Communications 100 - Public Speaking » Spring 2022 » Exam 1

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Question #1
A situation-specific social anxiety that arises from anticipating giving an oral presentation is called:
A.   life-success anxiety
B.   successful-listening anxiety
C.   public-speaking anxiety
D.   ethical-speaking anxiety
F.   audience-centered anxiety
Question #2
What is the process of gathering information about an audience with the explicit aim of preparing a speech that will be meaningful to that audience?
A.   logical appeals
B.   rhetoric
C.   delivery
D.   audience analysis
E.   active listening
Question #3
Considering Aristotle’s artistic proofs – the appeal to the emotions of your audience members is called:
A.   bellos
B.   logos
C.   credos
D.   pathos
E.   ethos
Question #4
What speech delivery is unpracticed, spontaneous, and given with little time to prepare?
A.   extemporaneous
B.   manuscript
C.   memorized
D.   impromptu
E.   none are correct
Question #5
In what specialized speech should a speaker express gratitude for the honor bestowed upon them?
A.   speech of introduction
B.   speech of presentation
C.   speech of acceptance
D.   roast speech
E.   toast speech
Question #6
Assuming we know what someone is going to say before the person actually finishes speaking is associated with what barrier to effective listening?
B.   listening too hard
C.   jumping to conclusions
D.   rapid thought “spare time”
E.   personal concerns
F.   information overload
Question #7
Considering Aristotle’s artistic proofs – what is the ethical appeal, in which a public speaker should strive to appear knowledgeable, trustworthy, and to generally care about their audience members?
A.   logos
B.   pathos
C.   ethos
D.   bellos
E.   credos
Question #8
What stage of the onset of public speaking anxiety is strong enough that some may even decide to stop rehearsing for their speech?
A.   pre-performance anxiety
B.   preparation anxiety
C.   performance anxiety
D.   none are correct
E.   pre-preparation anxiety
Question #9
What analysis of a speaker’s audience focuses on the audience’s attitudes, beliefs, and values including those related to the topic, speaker, and occasion?
A.   psychographic
B.   demographic
C.   geographic
D.   hyperbolic
E.   systematic
Question #10
What property of delivery can a speaker use to emphasizing a point, draw attention to a thought, or just to allow listeners a moment to process what has been said.
A.   pauses
B.   rate
C.   pitch
D.   volume
E.   tone
Question #11
A type of listening that is focused, purposeful and uses considerable effort is called:
A.   defensive
B.   active
C.   passive
D.   distracted
E.   selective
Question #12
In which of the canons of rhetoric should a public speaker organize the arguments and evidence in ways best suited to the topic and audience?
A.   arrangement
B.   invention
C.   style
D.   delivery
E.   memory
Question #13
The pace or words per minute at which you speak is called:
A.   tone
B.   rate
C.   pauses
D.   pitch
E.   volume
Question #14
In which of the canons of rhetoric should a public speaker practice their speech until it can be delivered artfully?
A.   memory
B.   invention
C.   style
D.   delivery
E.   arrangement
Question #15
What speech delivery puts the entire speech, word for word, into writing and then requires the speaker to commit it entirely to memory?
A.   none are correct
B.   impromptu
C.   memorized
D.   manuscript
E.   extemporaneous
Question #16
What type of audience analysis focuses on the statistical characteristics or social categories of the audience?
A.   demographic
B.   systematic
D.   hyperbolic
E.   psychographic
F.   geographic
Question #17
College students in the United States spend more time ___________________ than they do any other communication activity, but for the most part have no proper training.
A.   reading
B.   listening
C.   writing
D.   speaking
E.   hearing
Question #18
The means or medium by which a message is sent to a receiver is called the
A.   noise
C.   feedback
D.   context
E.   shared meaning
F.   channel
Question #19
Public speakers should use personal stories, emphasize shared roles, and otherwise stress mutual bonds between themselves and their audience in order to achieve ________________________.
A.   audience analysis
B.   audience psychographics
C.   identification
D.   audience adaptation
E.   audience demographics
Question #20
This is the mutual understanding of a message between speaker and audience or to put differently, the ultimate goal of public speaking:
A.   noise
B.   shared meaning
C.   feedback
D.   context
E.   channel
Question #21
What specialized speech is a brief tribute to a person or an event being celebrated?
A.   toast speech
B.   roast speech
C.   speech of presentation
D.   speech of acceptance
E.   speech of introduction
Question #22
Any interference that gets in the way from a speaker’s message being clearly communicated is called:
A.   channel
B.   feedback
C.   noise
D.   shared meaning
E.   context
Question #23
What is the first step in the speech preparation process?
A.   audience demographics
B.   audience psychographics
C.   identification
D.   audience analysis
E.   audience adaptation
Question #24
Which term best explains the fact that all listeners do not receive the same message due to their own unique knowledge, experience, goals, attitudes, and values?
A.   orientation to speaker
B.   range of possibilities
C.   sphere of influence
D.   frame of reference
E.   structure of understanding
Question #25
The physiological, largely involuntary process of perceiving sound, is called?
A.   speaking
B.   listening
C.   writing
D.   reading
E.   hearing
Question #26
In lecture, we discussed Julian Treasure’s acronym RASA, which can be understood as the “essence” to effective listening, what does this acronym stand for?
A.   Receive, Attend, Savor, Act
B.   Read, Aim, Smile, Alert
C.   Reciprocate, Attend, Savor, Act
D.   Receive, Appreciate, Summarize, Ask
E.   Receive, Appreciate, Savor Ask
Question #27
The audience’s response to a public speaker’s message that can be conveyed both verbally and nonverbally is called?
A.   shared meaning
B.   context
C.   feedback
D.   noise
E.   channel
Question #28
What property of delivery is best explained by the range of sounds from high to low that a speaker employs?
A.   tone
B.   rate
C.   pitch
D.   pauses
E.   volume

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