English 1A - Reading and Composition » Spring 2022 » Quiz 3 Essay Basics
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Question #1
The paragraph below lacks unity, because one sentence wanders from the main point. Which sentence should be deleted in order to fix the problem? 1I am currently learning how hard it is to work and go to school at the same time. 2Students like me, who want to make good grades but need to pay their own way, face tremendous burdens. 3For example, I work in an insurance office thirty hours a week, so each semester I have to maintain a tight schedule that allows me to attend classes and still be at my job when needed. 4This semester has been particularly challenging: I take an early-morning math class Monday through Thursday, then rush to get to work by 10 a.m., and by 6 p.m. on Wednesdays I'm back at school for a three-hour night class in statistics. 5Much to my chagrin, my Friday work/school schedule is even more difficult than my Monday through Thursday schedule. 6Fortunately, the people at my job are very pleasant, and some of us have become good friends. 7It's hard for me to have a job while trying to earn my college degree, but when I graduate both will make me more employable.
sentence #3
sentence #5
sentence #6
sentence #1
Question #2
The paragraph below has a problem with support. Which sentence lacks the specific details necessary to support the writer's point? (Remember that topic sentences and concluding sentences don't generally provide support; supporting details usually appear in the body of the paragraph.) 1I am currently learning how hard it is to work and go to school at the same time. 2Students like me, who want to make good grades but need to pay their own way, face tremendous burdens. 3For example, I work in an insurance office thirty hours a week, so each semester I have to maintain a tight schedule that allows me to attend classes and still be at my job when needed. 4This semester has been particularly challenging: I take an early-morning math class Monday through Thursday, then rush to get to work by 10 a.m., and by 6 p.m. on Wednesdays I'm back at school for a three-hour night class in statistics. 5 My Friday schedule is also difficult. 6 Although it's hard for me to have a job while trying to earn my college degree, when I graduate both will make me more employable.
sentence #3
sentence #5
sentence #1
sentence #4
Question #3
Which sentence in the paragraph below begins with a transition word or phrase? 1I am currently learning how hard it is to work and go to school at the same time. 2Students like me, who want to make good grades but need to pay their own way, face tremendous burdens. 3For example, I work in an insurance office thirty hours a week, so each semester I have to maintain a tight schedule that allows me to attend classes and still be at my job when needed. 4This semester has been particularly challenging: I take an early-morning math class Monday through Thursday, then rush to get to work by 10 a.m., and by 6 p.m. on Wednesdays I'm back at school for a three-hour night class in statistics. 5 My Friday schedule is also difficult. 6Fortunately I enjoy the job; the people there are very pleasant, and some of us have become good friends. 7It's hard for me to have a job while trying to earn my college degree, but when I graduate both will make me more employable.
sentence #7
sentence #1
sentence #3
sentence #5
Question #4
One sentence in the paragraph below has both a coherence issue (transition needed at the start of the sentence) and a support problem (specific details need to be added, either in the sentence itself or in a succeeding sentence). Which sentence needs both a transition and some details? 1I did not have a good experience at Lucky's Bar & Grill last night. 2The service provided by our waiter was lousy. 3Also, the food was bad, which I discovered when I tasted my cold mashed potatoes. 4And finally, the bill came to 219 dollars for a mediocre dinner for two! 5I won't ever go back there again.
sentence #4
sentence #2
sentence #3
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