Finance 571 - Corporate Finance » Spring 2022 » Wk 2 Practice Ch. 13, The Weighted-Average Cost of Capital

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Question #1
The company cost of capital is calculated as a weighted average of the firm's _______ and _______.
A.   debt; equity
B.   net income; short-term debt
C.   assets; liabilities
D.   debt; net working capital
Question #2
A project requires a $1 million initial investment and has an expected after-tax cash flow of $2.4 million per year in perpetuity. The weighted-average cost of capital (WACC) is 13%. What is the net present value (NPV) of the project?
A.   $10.77 million
B.   $17.46 million
C.   $1.4 million
D.   $18.46 million
Question #3
Another name for the WACC is the ___________.
A.   systematic cost of capital
B.   global cost of capital
C.   company cost of capital
D.   project specific cost of capital
Question #4
The WACC is the appropriate discount rate for use with ______ projects but should be adjusted ______ for higher risk ones.
A.   risk-free; upward
B.   average; upward
C.   average; downward
D.   low-risk; considerably
Question #5
It is acceptable to use book values of debt and equity to calculate the weights of debt and equity for the company's cost of capital calculation.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #6
Preferred stock is valued like perpetuity. The price of preferred stock is therefore equal to ______.
A.   dividend/rpreferred
B.   dividend × rpreferred
C.   dividend − rpreferred
D.   dividend + rpreferred
Question #7
Potter National Bank has a beta of 1.8. The risk-free rate is currently quoted at 1.5% and the expected market risk premium is 7.5%. What is Potter's cost of equity?
A.   14.5%
B.   15.0%
C.   15.5%
D.   15.7%
Question #8
A project requires a $12 million initial investment and has expected after-tax cash flows of $2 million in perpetuity. The weighted-average cost of capital is 15%. What is the project's net present value (NPV)?
A.   $66.67 million
B.   $13.33 million
C.   $93.33 million
D.   $1.33 million
Question #9
The WACC is the appropriate discount rate for use with ______ projects but should be adjusted ______ for lower risk ones.
A.   average; upward
B.   risk-free; downward
C.   average; downward
D.   average; slightly upward
Question #10
The cost of capital used by firms should be based on _____ values of the firm's securities.
A.   initial
B.   assessment
C.   basic
D.   market
Question #11
Martin Co. has issued preferred stock with an annual dividend of $6.00. The current market price per share of this preferred stock is $47.00. What is the expected return on the Martin preferred stock?
A.   19.9%
B.   12.8%
C.   13.5%
D.   12.6%
Question #12
The firm's cost of equity is usually calculated using the _______ equation.
B.   net working capital
D.   free cash flow
Question #13
Vandalay Industries has $30 million of debt and $70 million of equity outstanding. The market cost of debt is 8% and the cost of equity is 14%. The firm has a 35% corporate tax rate. What is Vandalay's WACC?
A.   12.36%
B.   11.00%
C.   11.36%
D.   11.63%
Question #14
The increase in the rate that bondholders demand as the amount of debt borrowed increases is called the _______ cost of debt.
A.   external
B.   explicit
C.   internal
D.   implicit
Question #15
If the corporate tax rate is zero, then increasing the proportion of debt in a firm's capital structure causes the WACC to _______.
A.   increase
B.   increase then decrease
C.   decrease
D.   remain unchanged
Question #16
If a firm uses its book value of debt instead of its market value of debt to calculate its WACC, then its WACC will likely be ______.
A.   much lower than it should be
B.   much higher than it should be
C.   only slightly off
Question #17
On a large and healthy firm, the use of yield to maturity as the cost of debt when calculating WACC is appropriate because ______.
A.   interest rate risk is negligible
B.   bankruptcy is sufficiently low
C.   it will trend toward its long-run average
D.   it's legally required to do so

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