Biology 1100 - Principles of Biology » Fall 2019 » Prelab Quizzes

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Question #1
On the microscopes in lab, the light intensity is controlled by _____.
A.   a dial inside the focus knob
B.   a dial on the base
C.   the objective
D.   the stage controls
Question #2
Someone in the last class turned the objective lenses by grabbing them and left greasy fingerprints all over the lens.  In order to clean it off, you should use _____.
A.   a paper towel
B.   a tissue
C.   the corner of your t-shirt
D.   lens paper
Question #3
You should use the ______ objective to locate specimens on your slide.
A.   4X
B.   10X
C.   40X
D.   100X
Question #4
When using the microscope with a 10X objective lens in place, the total magnification is ______.
A.   10X
B.   100X
C.   20X
D.   0.1X
Question #5
The 4X objective is also referred to as the _____ objective.
A.   high power
B.   low power
C.   scanning
D.   oil immersion
Question #6
Plasmolysis is the process of water flowing _______.
A.   in and out of cells at an equal rate in an isotonic solution
B.   out of cells in a hypertonic solution
C.   out of cells in a hypotonic solution
D.   into cells in a hypotonic solution
Question #7
Because the plasma membrane is selectively permeable,  ________.
A.   movement of material across the membrane requires energy from the cell.
B.   materials can move freely across the membrane.
C.   movement of material across the membrane does not require energy from the cell.
D.   the membrane allows water to pass freely but regulates movement of most other solutes.
Question #8
You start an experiment by placing a plant cell in a hypotonic solution.  What will happen to the cell?
A.   The cell will burst
B.   Water will flow into the cell, causing it to swell.
C.   No net movement of molecules will occur.
D.   Water will flow out of the cell, causing it to shrivel up.
Question #9
You will use ______ to detect the presence of glucose in the upcoming lab.
A.   test strips
B.   Benedict's reagent
C.   sense of taste
D.   sense of smell
Question #10
The ______ test is used to detect the presence of starch.  In the presence of starch, the solution turns ______.
A.   test strips; orange
B.   Iodine; yellow-amber
C.   Iodine; blue/black
D.   test strips; green
Question #11
This week's experiment investigates _______ as the independent variable.
A.   glucose concentration
B.   yeast concentration
C.   CO2 evolved
D.   temperature
Question #12
In this experiment, you will construct a(n) _______ to collect data.
A.   respirometer
B.   incubator
C.   fermenter
D.   distiller
Question #13
Fermentation can occur in the absence of oxygen.
Question #14
What causes bread dough to rise?
A.   ethanol
B.   glucose
C.   carbon dioxide
D.   water
Question #15
Unlike cellular respiration, alcohol fermentation in yeast ______.
A.   Forms less ATP
B.   All of these
C.   Produces ethanol
D.   Occurs only under limited to no oxygen
Question #16
In this lab you will be using Synechococcus elongatus, a type of _____.
A.   plant
B.   protist
C.   cyanobacterium
D.   Archaea
Question #17
In the strains you will be working with, a gene has been _____.
A.   deleted
B.   altered by one domain
C.   altered by one base pair
D.   added
Question #18
All of the experimental strains you will be using have been given genes for ______.
A.   high salt tolerance
B.   green fluorescent protein
C.   ampicillin resistance
D.   kanamycin resistance
Question #19
You will use a ______ strain as a control for your experiment.
A.   radioactive mutant
B.   wild-type (WT)
C.   deletion mutant
D.   special deletion
Question #20
To set up cultures for your experiment, you will need to find the ____ of your starting cultures.
A.   color
B.   optical density (OD)
C.   temperature
D.   thickness

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