CAS 368 - Central American Revolutionary Movements » Sping 2022 » Quiz 4
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Question #1
Under neoliberalism, what is the goal of the state (government) in Central America?
To ensure optimal conditions for peasants, not to provide for social welfare and social justice.
To ensure optimal conditions for investors, not to provide low wages and child labor.
To ensure optimal conditions for investors, not to provide for social welfare and social justice.
Question #2
Explain the race to the bottom in Central America.
Central American countries competed with each other to attract companies by offering the lowest wages and no regulation.
Central American countries competed with each other to attract companies by offering the minimum wages and the least regulation.
Central American countries competed with each other to attract companies by offering the lowest wages and the least regulation.
Question #3
What did the author argue about the truth commission in Central America as it relates to the United States?
It ignored the role of the United States in promoting and but condemned the covering up wartime abuses.
It ignored the role of the United States in promoting and covering up wartime abuses.
It condemned the role of the United States in promoting and covering up wartime abuses.
Question #4
How did Daniel Ortega managed to get re-elected twice for president in Nicaragua?
Through Supreme Court manipulation.
Through Congress manipulation.
Through Supreme Court democratic process.
Question #5
How did the 1992 (peace) accords legalize the FMLN in El Salvador?
It legalized the FMLN as a institution.
It legalized the FMLN as a political party.
It legalized the FMLN as a political community center.
Question #6
What was the role of the ARENA dominated legislature in the truth commission of El Salvador?
They clarified the limits of transitional justice when it passed sweeping amnesty law that precluded any prosecution crimes committed during the war.
They clarified the limits of transitional justice when it passed sweeping amnesty law that cleared the pathway to prosecute crimes committed during the war.
They clarified the transparency of transitional justice when it passed sweeping amnesty law that investigated any prosecution crimes committed during the war.
Question #7
What did the author argue about El Salvador being tied to the U.S in 2001?
El Salvador adopted the U.S dollar as its official currency. It gave up partial control over its monetary policy, they can print money but cannot adjust interest rates.
El Salvador adopted the U.S dollar as its official currency. It gave up control over its monetary policy such as printing money and adjusting interest rates.
El Salvador adopted the U.S dollar as its official currency. It gave up control over its monetary policy such as printing money but able to adjust interest rates.
Question #8
In the 1990’s why did FMLN local governments had little ability to bring about social change in El Salvador?
ARENA controlled the national military.
ARENA controlled the local government.
ARENA controlled the national government.
Question #9
In 2009, FMLN became the first what in Latin America?
It was the first time a guerrilla group came into power through elections.
It was the first time a political group came into power through elections.
It was the first time a grassroots group came into power through elections.
Question #10
What did many villagers say about the FMLN in El Salvador?
FMLN leaders have done well for a few but only a few campesinos have been left behind to fend for themselves.
FMLN leaders have done well for themselves but the working class have been left behind to fend for themselves.
FMLN leaders have done well for themselves but campesinos have been left behind to fend for themselves.
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