Psychology 002 - Biological Psychology » Spring 2022 » Multi-Modal Perception Quiz

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Question #1
What happens when information from separate sensory modalities comes from within overlapping receptive fields?
A.   one field will dominate and mute the other, so only one of the sensory modalities is experienced
B.   there will be a temporary neural conflict that leads to "sensory blindness" of those stimuli
C.   the brain treats that information as having come from the same exact location
D.   the brain will recognize the difference in the source of the stimuli and will perceive that difference
Question #2
When you are having a conversation with another person, it is far easier to hear what they say when you are looking at their face and mouth while they are speaking. When you cannot see their mouth, hearing their words may be more difficult .This demonstrates ________ phenomena.
A.   spatial
B.   crossmodal
C.   multimodal
D.   unimodal
Question #3
When you go to a concert, you tend to hear all of the instruments playing at one time and perceive them as a combined whole. However, there are many different stimuli happening at once. Guitars, keyboards, drums, and singers are all being received at once. Each of these is a _________ of the larger perceptual whole.
A.   monodimensional stimulus
B.   singular script
C.   homomorphic phoneme
D.   unimodal component
Question #4
Which of the following would be an example of cross-modal phenomena?
A.   The scent of air freshener dissipates over time from when it is first sprayed.
B.   When you see bubbles rising to the surface of a pot of water and put your finger in, you briefly experience the water as hot before you realize that it is actually cold.
C.   The scent of chlorine in a swimming pool smells much different to you than the scent of chlorine in bleach used for cleaning a floor.
D.   When you get into a shower after being outside in the snow, the warm water actually feels cold rather than hot.
Question #5
Regions in the brain that receive input from many unimodal sensory areas are called multisensory ________ zones.
A.   convergence
B.   integrative
C.   work
D.   clustering
Question #6
There is a small areas of Amit's brain where the neurons are stimulated by both visual and auditory input. This area "lights up" when he sees something or when he hears something. This area would be called a(n) ________.
A.   multisensory input area
B.   sensory chiasm
C.   superior colliculus
D.   crossmodal receptive field
Question #7
What is the difference between multimodal phenomena and crossmodal phenomena?
A.   The two terms are actually just two words for the exact same phenomenon.
B.   Multimodal phenomena concern the binding of inputs from multiple sensory modalities and crossmodal phenomena concern the influence of one sensor modality on the perception of another.
C.   Multimodal phenomena concern the unconscious way the brain receives different sensory input and crossmodal phenomena concern the conscious ways in which a perceive combines different types of input.
D.   Crossmodal phenomena concern the binding of inputs from multiple sensory modalities and multimodal phenomena concern the influence of one sensor modality on the perception of another.
Question #8
Seeing, hearing, tasting, smelling, and feeling (or touch) are all different forms of
A.   sensory modalities.
B.   synthesized realities.
C.   perceptual outputs.
D.   integrated cognitions.
Question #9
When you see food, you may immediately have assumptions about how it will taste. Then when you eat, your perception of its flavor can be influenced by how it looked and what you expected it to taste like. This demonstrates how different sensory modalities can be ________.
A.   unimodal
B.   integrated
C.   neutrally segregated
D.   bottom-up
Question #10
Which of the following phenomena is used to demonstrate the manner in which sounds can have an impact on one's visual perception?
A.   the Ponzo illusion
B.   the perception of collisions between two circles
C.   the double flash illusion
D.   the rubber hand illusion
Question #11
Every neuron in your brain does not respond to every stimulus you encounter. There is a specific area, called the ________, which is the portion of the world to which a neuron will respond if an appropriate stimulus is presented.
A.   zone of aggregation
B.   proximal region
C.   receptive field
D.   unimodal sector
Question #12
You attend a loud concert with your friend and she wants to speak with you. The music makes it hard to hear her words so you use your vision to look at her mouth while she speaks. This helps you hear her better and demonstrates the ________ effect of multisensory integration.
A.   multilayered
B.   superadditive
C.   stepwise
D.   integrative
Question #13
Which of the following terms best describes the superadditive effect?
A.   multidimensional psychophysics
B.   continuous stimulation
C.   multisensory enhancement
D.   multimodal perception
Question #14
Baby Lilah is laying in her crib when she hears the dog bark in the other room. She immediately moves her eyes toward the sound and turns her head in that direction. Which part of the brain is most involved in this orienting response?
A.   the superior colliculus
B.   the central sulcus
C.   the bed nucleus of the stria terminalis
D.   the substantia nigra
Question #15
When two neurons send their information to a third neuron, what happens to the third neuron's receptive field?
A.   it is the combination of the receptive fields of the first two neurons
B.   it is only as large as the neuron that provided the strongest sensory input
C.   it is reduced to be less than the visual field of either of the first two neurons
D.   it is made up of half of the receptive field of each of the first two neurons
Question #16
The principle of _________ suggests that when individual sensory components are weak, the potential for multisensory enhancement is very large, and when individual sensory components are strong the potential for multisensory enhancements is relatively small.
A.   inverse effectiveness
B.   negative correlations
C.   opposing perceptual causality
D.   flipped synesthesia
Question #17
The way that simultaneous stimulation of more than one sense effects a person's perception is called ________ perception.
A.   integrated
B.   unimodal
C.   multimodal
D.   multi-pathway
Question #18
"We rarely combine the auditory stimuli associated with one event with the visual stimuli associated with another event." While this statement is generally true, which of the following would be an exception?
A.   hearing a vase shatter as it hits the floor after being dropped
B.   having a dream that has both visual images and sounds
C.   watching a ventriloquist
D.   turning on a vacuum cleaner and not being able to hear the door bell
Question #19
Kyesha is getting a vision test. She is asked to name colors, distinguish between numbers and letters, and identify very small objects. Because the doctor is asking only about vision, she is testing Kyesha's response to ________ stimuli.
A.   monocular
B.   holoperceptive
C.   unimodal
D.   binaural
Question #20
At lunch, Ramaya orders the "Sizzling Fajita Platter." When the food comes out, he hears the meat and vegetables still cooking on the pan, sees their various colors, smells the aroma, and feels the heat coming from the dish. Ramaya is experiencing ________ perception as his brain processes these different types of stimuli.
A.   binocular
B.   differentiated
C.   heterotyped
D.   multimodal

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