Psychology 002 - Biological Psychology » Spring 2022 » Neurons Quiz

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Question #1
Where are neurons located?
A.   peripheral nervous system
B.   somatic nervous system
C.   central nervous system
D.   autonomic nervous system
Question #2
Robert's neuron in the motor cortex of his brain helps his legs move. The neuron has several dendrites so that it can receive input from many sources. What type of neuron is this?
A.   multipolar neuron
B.   ionotropic neuron
C.   anion neuron
D.   excitatory postsynaptic neuron
Question #3
Chlorine (Cl-) is what type of ion?
A.   unipolar ion
B.   bipolar ion
C.   anion
D.   cation
Question #4
The chlorine ions in the runner's nerves are moving from areas of high concentration to low concentration in a process known as _____________.
A.   salutatory conduction
B.   electrostatic pressure
C.   neurotransmission
D.   diffusion
Question #5
Hodgkin and Huxley studied action potentials in the neurons of what animal?
A.   frogs
B.   cats
C.   humans
D.   giant squids
Question #6
The three major parts of the neuron are the dendrites, axon, and ___________.
A.   soma
B.   cell wall
C.   reuptake
D.   synapse
Question #7
When two neurons are communicating, the presynaptic neuron releases neurotransmitters that travel across the synaptic cleft and attach to what type of receptor on the postsynaptic neuron?
A.   threshold
B.   cation
C.   node of Ranvier
D.   ionotropic
Question #8
Maritza saw that the softball was coming toward her, so she moved her hand to catch it. What neuron helped process the ball's visual image and plan the appropriate hand movement to catch it?
A.   motor neuron
B.   sensory neuron
C.   interneuron
D.   presynaptic neuron
Question #9
Emily's brain released the neurotransmitter GABA, which reduced her nerve's chance of reaching its threshold of excitation. What type of molecule is GABA?
A.   refractory postsynaptic potential
B.   postsynaptic action potential
C.   inhibitory postsynaptic potential
D.   excitatory postsynaptic potential
Question #10
What is the name for the voltage at which no ions flow in or out of a neuron?
A.   equilibrium potential
B.   electrostatic pressure
C.   action potential
D.   threshold of excitation
Question #11
When a neuron is not conducting an electrical message, it has a charge of -70mV known as its
A.   extracellular voltage
B.   electrostatic pressure
C.   resting membrane potential
D.   excitation threshold
Question #12
The electrical current that travels down the axon of a neuron is known as what?
A.   extracellular charge
B.   electrostatic pressure
C.   action potential
D.   threshold of excitation
Question #13
What type of neuron initiates physical movement and allows people to move through the world?
A.   motor neuron
B.   sensory neuron
C.   interneuron
D.   neurotransmitter
Question #14
What type of signal directs the synaptic vesicles to release their neurotransmitters into the synapse?
A.   intense
B.   chemical
C.   electrical
D.   repeated
Question #15
Potassium (K+) ions and Sodium (Na+) ions repel each other due to
A.   diffusion
B.   membrane potentials
C.   salutatory conduction
D.   electrostatic pressure
Question #16
Before they travel across the synapse to bind with receptors on the postsynaptic membrane, chemical messengers are stored in what location on the presynaptic membrane?
A.   axons
B.   synaptic vesicles
C.   ionotropes
D.   nodes of Ranvier
Question #17
The action potential in the chef's neuron was able to quickly travel from one node of Ranvier to the next so that she could move her arm away from the hot stove. What is this type of rapid transmission known as?
A.   diffusion
B.   neurotransmission
C.   salutatory conduction
D.   electrostatic pressure
Question #18
Other than electrostatic pressure, what force helps maintain a neuron's charge of -70mV at rest?
A.   gravity
B.   diffusion
C.   salutatory conduction
D.   friction
Question #19
Communication between neurons is accomplished using what type of energy?
A.   chemical
B.   magnetic
C.   frictional
D.   electrical
Question #20
Max saw that his friend was approaching and he lifted his arm to wave at her. What type of neuron moved his hand?
A.   motor neuron
B.   interneuron
C.   neurotransmitter
D.   sensory neuron

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