Communications 100 - Public Speaking » Spring 2022 » Exam 2

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Question #1
A speech about a material thing that can be seen and touched is what type of informative speech?
A.   object
B.   process
C.   concept
D.   person
E.   event
Question #2
Quantified evidence that summarizes, compares, and predicts things is called:
A.   statistics
B.   facts
C.   fallacy
D.   peer/ lay testimony
E.   expert testimony
Question #3
A one-sentence statement that sums up or encapsulates the main points of your speech is known as the
A.   specific purpose
B.   supporting material
C.   main message
D.   central message
E.   central idea
Question #4
A speech about The Woodstock Music Festival of 1969 is an example of what type of informative speech?
A.   process
B.   concept
C.   object
D.   person
E.   event
Question #5
Firsthand findings, eyewitness accounts, and opinions by trained professionals within the field in question are called:
A.   expert testimony
B.   facts
C.   statistics
D.   fallacy
E.   peer/ lay testimony
Question #6
What term have we used to describe putting a speech together in a particular way in order to achieve a particular result for a particular audience?
A.   configural organization
B.   creative organization
C.   logical organization
D.   strategic organization
E.   planned organization
Question #7
The key ideas of your speech are called:
A.   supporting material
B.   main topics
C.   main points
D.   statistics
E.   examples
Question #8
A speech on the 6 systematic steps of the scientific method is an example of what type of informative speech?
A.   event
B.   process
C.   object
D.   concept
E.   problem
Question #9
A method of speech organization in which the main points show a cause and effect relationship is called:
A.   spatial
B.   problem-solution
C.   topical
D.   chronological
E.   causal
Question #10
The statement, “the goal of my speech is to inform my audience about feminism” is an example of a
A.   central message
B.   central idea
C.   specific purpose
D.   main message
E.   supporting material
Question #11
A method of speech organization in which the first point presents an issue while the second and third points discuss two ways to alleviate the issue is called:
A.   spatial
B.   chronological
C.   causal
D.   topical
E.   problem-solution
Question #12
Firsthand findings, eyewitness accounts, and opinions by a person who is not considered a trained professional in the field in question are called:
A.   facts
B.   fallacy
C.   expert testimony
D.   peer/ lay testimony
E.   statistics
Question #13
“I feel that I am qualified to discuss this topic because I have done significant research over the past month” The aforementioned statement is an example of what component of a speech introduction?
A.   preview statement
B.   purpose statement
C.   attention-getter
D.   relate topic to audience
E.   establish credibility
Question #14
A speech that discusses the four different learning styles is using what speech organizational method?
A.   topical
B.   spatial
C.   chronological
D.   problem-solution
E.   causal
Question #15
The words first, next, and finally are all examples of:
A.   preview statements
B.   transitions
C.   supporting material
D.   review statements
E.   signposts
Question #16
What method of speech organization do the main points follow a time pattern?
A.   problem-solution
B.   causal
C.   spatial
D.   chronological
E.   topical
Question #17
How many main points are acceptable in our classroom speeches?
A.   2-8
B.   1-5
C.   1-3
D.   2-5
E.   5-7
Question #18
Which of the CRAAP test’s criterion asks questions such as, “can you verify any of the information from another source or from your own personal knowledge?”
A.   accuracy
B.   purpose
C.   relevance
D.   currency
E.   authority
Question #19
A method of speech organization in which the main points are divided in logical and consistent subtopics is called:
A.   chronological
B.   causal
C.   spatial
D.   topical
E.   problem-solution
Question #20
Which of the CRAAP test’s criterion asks questions about the author’s credentials or qualifications?
A.   relevance
B.   currency
C.   authority
D.   purpose
E.   accuracy
Question #21
Every speech should ultimately end with a(n):
A.   memorable statement
B.   attention-getter
C.   transition sentence
D.   signposts
E.   review statement
Question #22
Dia de los Muertos can be traced back to the Aztecs, was moved from summer to fall by Spanish priests, and today is celebrated in a number of ways in different regions of Mexico. What speech organization format is this central idea?
A.   causal
B.   topical
C.   spatial
D.   chronological
E.   problem-solution
Question #23
Sentences that enable the listener to follow as the speaker moves from one main point to another are called:
A.   transitions
B.   memorable statement
C.   preview statement
D.   review statement
E.   signposts
Question #24
The _____________________ of the speech brings closure by restating the purpose, summarizing the main points, and ending with a strong memorable statement.
A.   introduction
B.   conclusion
C.   main points
D.   bibliography
E.   body
Question #25
Which of the CRAAP test’s criterion seeks to make sure that the information that you are using relates to your topic and audience?
A.   accuracy
B.   purpose
C.   authority
D.   currency
E.   relevance

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