Economics 160 - Microeconomics Principles » Spring 2022 » Homework Introduction and Chapter 1

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Question #1
John Stuart Mill and Thomas Jefferson believed the concentration of political and economic power in the hands of government will lead to greater prosperity for everyone.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #2
The history of U.S. government regulation of agriculture is a case study in how government can wisely use its power to make people richer and happier and how wise governemnt bureacrats can coordinate economic activity better than a free market.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #3
During the 20th century, the general trend in the United States is to move closer to the ideas of Adam Smith about the role of government.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #4
Adam Smith believed a strong powerful central government is a pre-condiditon for a smoothly functioning economy that produces a high standard of living for its citizens.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #5
One method for organizing economic activity, i.e. deciding what is produced and how it is produced is the method used in the army. A central authority issues commands that are obeyed by people. These commands tell people what to produce, how much to produce, and who will produce what. An alternatve method of organizing economic activity is to rely on a free market. i.e. allowing people to engage in voluntary exchange where people are left alone to buy or sell only if they percieve it is in their self interest to do so and to let the market set the price of goods and services. There is no central authority telling people what to do and people are left alone to order their lives as they see fit. According to Milton Friedman:
A.   A neccesary condition for a system of voluntary exchange to be used to organize an economy is that prices be allowed to fluctuate according to supply and demand, i.e. no central authority interferes in people buying and selling in the market. The Soviet Union is and example of a centrally controlled command economy that produced prosperity and freedom for its citizens.
B.   History has shown us that centrally controlled command economies promote prosperity and freedom. Generally speaking, economies that rely on voluntary exchange have produced more prosperity and freedomg for its citizens than central controlled economies.
C.   History has shown us that centrally controlled command economies promote prosperity and freedom. The Soviet Union is and example of a centrally controlled command economy that produced prosperity and freedom for its citizens.
D.   Generally speaking, economies that rely on voluntary exchange have produced more prosperity and freedomg for its citizens than central controlled economies. A neccesary condition for a system of voluntary exchange to be used to organize an economy is that prices be allowed to fluctuate according to supply and demand, i.e. no central authority interferes in people buying and selling in the market.
Question #6
Consider the pencil example from Free to Choose. In Friedman's pencil example:
A.   Friedman illustrates that government dictated prices can cause the "right" amount of a good to be produced. The quadrupling of the price of oil in 1973 is an example of market forces setting prices. Freely fluctauting prices cause a good to be produced in the cheapest and most efficient manner.
B.   Friedman illustrates that government dictated prices can cause the "right" amount of a good to be produced. The quadrupling of the price of oil in 1973 is an example of market forces setting prices. Government price controls that prevented oil prices from rising in the U.S. due to the actions of OPEC, reduced U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
C.   Friedman illustrates that government dictated prices can cause the "right" amount of a good to be produced. Freely fluctuating prices can coordinate productive activity better than commands from a central authority Government price controls that prevented oil prices from rising in the U.S. due to the actions of OPEC, reduced U.S. dependence on foreign oil.
D.   Freely fluctuating prices are better at transmitting information from consumers to producers that more of a good should be produced. Freely fluctuating prices can coordinate productive activity better than commands from a central authority. Freely fluctauting prices cause a good to be produced in the cheapest and most efficient manner. Freely fluctuating prices determing who gets to consume a good and who does not.
Question #7
Consider Adam Smith's invisble hand and how it relates to the idea of mutually beneficial voluntary exchange.
A.   The invisible hand is god's will manifesting itself in the day to day actions of men. Adam Smith believes the Invisible Hand is an inferior method of coordinating economic activity.
B.   The invisible hand is god's will manifesting itself in the day to day actions of men. Adam Smith believes the Invisible Hand is an inferior method of coordinating economic activity. The invisible hand guides individuals to act cooperatively in the production of goods and services efficiently and at low cost.
C.   The invisble hand is a metaphor for the way in which people pursuing their own self interest as they define it can coordinate effectively economic activity. The invisible hand guides individuals to act cooperatively in the production of goods and services efficiently and at low cost. The invisible hand can control the mix of goods and services produced in an economy so only those services valued by people more than the cost of production are produced and those whose costs exceeds the value to individuals are not produced.
D.   The invisible hand can control the mix of goods and services produced in an economy so only those services valued by people more than the cost of production are produced and those whose costs exceeds the value to individuals are not produced. Adam Smith believes the Invisible Hand is an inferior method of coordinating economic activity.
Question #8
Allowing prices to fluctuate in an unregulated market:
A.   Transmits information about what mix inputs should be used to produce goods and services.
B.   Transmits information from consumers to producers about what good are more highly valued and, everything else equal, producuers should produce more of.
C.   is neccessary for a market econom to create prosperity.
D.   redistrubutes income from one group to another.
E.   in combination with profits firms make from producing and selling goods, leads to the low cost production of goods which are valued more highly than the cost of production.
F.   All of these
Question #9
In the United States, human capital or personal productive capacity, produces income for individuals when it is sold or rented in the marketplace. Ownership of property also generates income when things such as land, machinery, or other physical property is rented, leased, or used for the production of goods and services.
A.   Taxing wages because it encourages the accumulation of human capital will enhance the ability of the market to produce prosperity and freedom.
B.   Taxing physcial capital, such as machinery and property, encourages the accumulation of physical capital and will enhance the ability of the market to produce prosperity and freedom.
C.   None of the answers are correct.
D.   The fact that ownership of physical capital generates more income that personal productive capacity is evidence that a market economy is fundamentally tilted to favor large corporations rather than private individuals.
E.   Income from the ownership of property generates more income than income from the sale of human capital.
F.   Personal productive capacity generates income for people when people take a job and get paid wages.

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