Psychology 002 - Biological Psychology » Spring 2022 » Psychological Disorders & Treatment Quiz

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Question #1
A Major Depressive Episode requires ________ of nine symptoms, including a depressed mood and/or diminished interest in activities for at least two weeks.
A.   eight
B.   five
C.   three
D.   seven
Question #2
Which theory proposes that stressors which disrupt daily routines can trigger relapses in mood disorders?
A.   inhibitory disruption theory
B.   social zeitgeber theory
C.   psychological vulnerabilities theory
D.   symptom tracker theory
Question #3
The earliest anti-depressant medications were __________.
A.   monoamine oxidase inhibitors (MAOIs)
B.   tetracyclic antidepressants (T4CAs)
C.   tricyclic antidepressants (TCAs)
D.   selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs)
Question #4
April is starting to spend money quickly to buy the fanciest clothes, car, and hotel rooms because she has an inflated sense of self-importance and self-worth, believing she deserves these things due to her superior powers and abilities. What symptom of mania is April displaying?
A.   euphoria
B.   grandiosity
C.   distractibility
D.   irresponsibility
Question #5
Research indicates that typically,
A.   depression is rarely seen in the young or elderly.
B.   men are twice as likely to experience depression.
C.   women are twice as likely to experience depression.
D.   rates of depression change little from one generation to the next.
Question #6
While there are many types of effective psychotherapies many people decide to add psychiatric medications to their treatment. Why is this the case?
A.   Psychiatric medications are more effective than any psychotherapy.
B.   Psychiatric medications are meant to replace the psychotherapies.
C.   Psychiatric medications can enhance the effects of psychotherapies.
D.   Psychiatric medications are more cost effective than psychotherapies.
Question #7
Gregory is going to graduate school in a psychology program, and he is most interested in studying how drugs affect the brain and behavior. Gregory is probably attending a graduate program in __________.
A.   behavioral genetics
B.   psychopharmacology
C.   drug abuse counseling
D.   developmental neuroscience
Question #8
_________ occurs primarily in the liver and involves the breakdown of substances.
A.   Induction
B.   Metabolism
C.   Enzymes
D.   Transmission
Question #9
Psychopharmacology can best be defined as:
A.   the study of how drugs affect the brain and behavior
B.   using biological interventions, such as physical exercise, to intervene in mental illness
C.   the study of the role of neurotransmitters in mental illness
D.   using medications to intervene in mental illness
Question #10
Parisa has schizophrenia and regularly experiences hallucinations. According to the research, which type of hallucination is most common in people who have schizophrenia?
A.   visual
B.   olfactory
C.   gustatory
D.   auditory
Question #11
Schizophrenia is often characterized by the following symptoms:
A.   all of the choices
B.   two or more distinct personalities
C.   none of the choices
D.   bizarre delusions
Question #12
Which of the following is a risk factor for schizophrenia?
A.   children born to older fathers
B.   children born to older mothers
C.   children from rural settings
D.   scientists have been unable to identify specific risk factors for schizophrenia
Question #13
Drugs blocking which of the following neurotransmitters have been shown to be an effective treatment of psychotic disorders, like schizophrenia?
A.   dopamine
C.   serotonin
D.   epinephrine
Question #14
In order to be diagnosed with brief psychotic disorder, a person must have symptoms that last no longer than __________.
A.   two weeks
B.   one year
C.   one month
D.   six months
Question #15
Dianne hears voices commanding her to warn people that alien beings from another planet are stealing children, so she tells parents outside a movie theatre to take their children safely home. Dianne may be diagnosed with:
A.   generalized anxiety disorder
B.   post-traumatic stress disorder
C.   schizophrenia
D.   obsessive-compulsive disorder
Question #16
Leanora recently found out that she had been awarded a scholarship to the graduate school that was first on her list. Upon receiving the news, she did not smile or show any emotion, and just said, "well that's good," sighed, and walked away. This lack of emotional expression is a symptom of schizophrenia called __________.
A.   a referential delusion
B.   derailment
C.   flat affect
D.   alogia
Question #17
Which of the following individuals is experiencing a grandiose delusion?
A.   Ashlie believes that she is the President of the United States of America.
B.   Georgiann believes that she has already died and that her current existence is that of a ghost.
C.   Tomas believes that the FBI is spying on him and monitoring his emails and phone calls.
D.   Francisco believes that he is having a torrid love affair with a famous television actor.
Question #18
Delusions, hallucinations, disorganized speech, and catatonia are symptoms of which category of disorders?
A.   personality disorders
B.   schizophrenia spectrum disorders
C.   mood disorders
D.   category of disorders?
E.   anxiety disorders
Question #19
Neuroimaging techniques such as magnetic resonance imaging and positron emission tomography have provided evidence that problems in the __________ may contribute to the delusions experienced by those with schizophrenia.
A.   caudal tegmentum
B.   ventral striatum
C.   globus pallidus
D.   corpus callosum

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