Statistics 7020 - Statistical Method in Health Sciences » Summer 2022 » HW 1 Week 1-1

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Question #1
Which of the following is a true statement?
A.   A sample represents a subset of the population.
B.   From the following research question "Does a new drug reduce the number of deaths in patients with severe heart disease?", the target population is all people who died with severe heart disease.
C.   Often times, it is too expensive to collect data from every case in a sample.
D.   A population should be as small as possible, yet still reliable.
Question #2
The given value below is a from a discrete data set: The bears from a population have an average head width of 6.19 inches. 
Question #3
Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate: Body temperatures of sandhill cranes
A.   quantitative - continuous
B.   quantitative - discrete
C.   qualitative - nominal
D.   qualitative - ordinal
Question #4
Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate: Blood types of A, B, AB, and O.
A.   quantitative - continuous
B.   qualitative - ordinal
C.   quantitative - discrete
D.   qualitative - nominal
Question #5
Determine which of the four levels of measurement is most appropriate: Social security number (SSN).
A.   quantitative - continuous
B.   qualitative - ordinal
C.   quantitative - discrete
D.   qualitative - nominal
Question #6
A medical researcher is studying the efficacy of vitamin C as a preventive measure against the common cold. The two treatments that are being compared are 1000 mg vitamin C and 1000 mg placebo and the each treatment is assigned to the participants randomly. This study could be performed as an experiment.
Question #7
Determine the type of study: A researcher obtains data about head injuries by examining hospital records from the past five years.
A.   Experimental design
B.   Observational study - Prospective
C.   Observational study - Cross-sectional
D.   Observational study - Retrospective
Question #8
Researchers want to know if adults who consume a drink that is high in vitamin B-12 have increased energy. They obtain a representative sample of adults. All participants are given a drink that they are told to consume every morning. They are not told what is in the drink. Half are given a drink that is high in vitamin B-12 while the other half are given a drink that tastes the same but contains no vitamin B-12.
A.   Observational study - Prospective
B.   Observational study - Retrospective
C.   Observational study - Cross-sectional
D.   Experimental design
Question #9
Data skewed to the left (also called negatively skewed) have a longer right tail and the mean and median are to the left of the mode. 
Question #10
Read the following study of light and exam performance and select the matching variables . A study is designed to test the effect of light level on exam performance of students. the researcher believes that light levels might have different effects on males and females, so wants to make sure both are equally represented in each treatment. the treatments are florescent overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting no overhead lighting (only desk lamps). Response variable
A.   Light level (overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting, no overhead lighting)
B.   Sex (man, woman)
C.   Exam performance
Question #11
Read the following study of light and exam performance and select the matching variables . A study is designed to test the effect of light level on exam performance of students. the researcher believes that light levels might have different effects on males and females, so wants to make sure both are equally represented in each treatment. the treatments are florescent overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting no overhead lighting (only desk lamps). Explanatory variable
A.   Light level (overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting, no overhead lighting)
B.   Exam performance
C.   Sex (man, woman)
Question #12
Read the following study of light and exam performance and select the matching variables . A study is designed to test the effect of light level on exam performance of students. the researcher believes that light levels might have different effects on males and females, so wants to make sure both are equally represented in each treatment. the treatments are florescent overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting no overhead lighting (only desk lamps). Blocking variable
A.   Light level (overhead lighting, yellow overhead lighting, no overhead lighting)
B.   Exam performance
C.   Sex (man, woman)
Question #13
When patients take a drug in pill form, some patients take the pill with only a sip of water while others may have it with an entire glass of water and a doctor may ask all patients to drink a 12 ounce glass of water with the pill.
A.   Controlling
B.   Blocking
C.   Replication
D.   Randomization
Question #14
Some patients may be more susceptible to a disease than others due to their dietary habits and randomizing patients into the treatment or control group helps even out such differences.
A.   Controlling
B.   Randomization
C.   Blocking
D.   Replication
Question #15
A researcher may replicate an entire study to verify an earlier finding.
A.   Replication
B.   Randomization
C.   Blocking
D.   Controlling
Question #16
A researcher may group individuals based on a variable which might influence the response into blocks and them randomize cases within each block.
A.   Controlling
B.   Replication
C.   Blocking
D.   Randomization
Question #17
A researcher needs to collect an information from farms in Missouri. He realized that the list of all the agricultural farms in a village may not be easily available but the list of villages are generally available (list of villages in MissouriLinks to an external site.). He decided to select 30 villages at random among listed villages and collect the information from every farm in the selected villages. Which sampling method did he use?
A.   Systematic sampling
B.   Simple sampling
C.   Stratified sampling
D.   Cluster sampling
Question #18
An advertising firm, interested in determining how much to emphasize television advertising in a certain county decides to conduct a sample survey to estimate the average number of hours each week that households within that county watch television. The county has two towns, A and B, and a rural area C. Town A is built around a factory and most households contain factory workers with school-aged children. Town B contains mainly retirees and the rural area C are mainly farmers. There are 155 households in town A, 62 in town B and 93 in the rural area, C. The firm decides to select 20 households from Town A, 8 households from Town B and 12 households from the rural area. Determine the sampling method in the study. 
A.   Systematic sampling
B.   Cluster sampling
C.   Simple sampling
D.   Stratified sampling
Question #19
Use the sample data listed below to find the sample mean. 3 4 3 7 5 3 8 7
A.   7
B.   3
C.   4
D.   5
Question #20
Use the sample data listed below to find the sample mediam. 3 4 3 7 5 3 8 7
A.   4.5
B.   5
C.   3.5
D.   4
Question #21
Use the sample data listed below to find the sample coefficient of variation. (Unit: %) 3 4 3 7 5 3 8 7
A.   41.4
B.   39.2
C.   38.7
D.   40.4
Question #22
Use the sample data listed below to find the sample median. -1 3 0 -4 -5 3 8
A.   -4
B.   3
C.   -1
D.   0

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