V_PBIO 8458 - Veterinary Public Health » Summer 2022 » Quiz 2 Lecture 3,4,5

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Question #1
The most common clinical sign of food poisoning from Staphylococcus aureus is:
A.   high fever
B.   diarrhea
C.   profuse vomiting
D.   lymphadenopathy
Question #2
Oral re-hydration would be ineffective for treatment of diarrhea caused by which agent(s):
A.   Enterotoxigenic E. coli (ETEC)
B.   ETEC and EPEC
C.   Enteropathogenic E. coli (EPEC)
D.   Vibrio chlorea
Question #3
Manifestations of Salmonella typhi infection may include all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   chronic bacterial shedding
B.   development of maculopapular lesions on the abdomen
C.   diarrhea seen early post infection
D.   high fever
Question #4
The common name for the condition enteritis necroticans caused by infection with Clostridium perfringens Type C is derived from this food source:
A.   chicken
B.   pork
C.   honey
D.   beef
Question #5
This is the leading bacterial cause of diarrhea illness in the US:
A.   campylobacter
B.   salmonella
C.   listeria
D.   norovirus
Question #6
Each of the following are true of Hepatitis A infection EXCEPT:
A.   can sometimes lead to chronic infection
B.   most infections in children younger than 6 are asymptomatic
C.   can be spread by fecal contamination of food and water by asymptomatic carriers
D.   is the only vaccine preventable foodborne illness
Question #7
Which is NOT TRUE concerning infections with Vibrio cholerae?
A.   Oral rehydration with electrolytes can lead to recovery
B.   The A-B toxins damage intestinal villi leading to leakage of fluid and electrolytes
C.   Newer strains of the bacteria seem to cause more persistent infections
D.   Removal of the Broad Street water pump contributed to ending the Cholera epidemic in London in 1854
Question #8
This is the most common setting where norovirus outbreaks are found.
A.   school settings
B.   cruise ships
C.   child care settings
D.   longterm care facilities
Question #9
All are true concerning Clostridium botulinum EXCEPT:
A.   the toxin is extremely potent with small amounts being lethal
B.   produces a heat stable toxin
C.   humans are most susceptible to serotypes A,B, E, and F
D.   the toxin blocks acetylcholine release form axons
Question #10
Which of the following is NOT TRUE concerning enterohemorrhagic E. coli (EHEC)?
A.   produces a Shiga like toxin that can lead to bloody diarrhea
B.   antibiotics may be contraindicated in treatment
C.   Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome secondary to EHEC infection most commonly occurs in children
D.   shedding by cattle tends to be highest during the winter

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