Statistics 7020 - Statistical Method in Health Sciences » Summer 2022 » HW 5 Week 2-3

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Question #1
Match the correct definition of the term. point estimation
A.   a single value used to approximate a population parameter
Question #2
Match the correct definition of the term. confidence interval
A.   a range of values used to estimate the true value of a population parameter
Question #3
Match the correct definition of the term. confidence level
A.   the probability that is the proportion of times that the confidence interval actually does contain the population parameter, assuming that the estimation process is repeated a large number of times
Question #4
School of Health Professions at the University of Missouri conducted a survey on 15 students asking whether they would like the school to offer a free Statistics tutor program, counted the number of 'yes' answers, and recorded the sample proportion. 14 out of 15 students responded 'yes'. They repeated this 100 times and build a distribution of sample means. Calculate the variability (=standard error) of this distribution. Up to four decimal places. (Hint: See Summary 4 in Lecture 9)
A.   0.0247
B.   0.0846
C.   0.0644 
D.   0.0433
Question #5
One survey showed that among 785 randomly selected subjects who completed four years of college, 18.3% smoke and a 98% confidence interval for the true percentage of smokers among all people who completed four years of college is 15.1% to 21.6%. Based on the result, the smoking rate for those with four years of college appears to be substantially different than the 27% rate for the general population.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #6
A 90% confidence interval would be narrower than the 95% confidence interval since we don't need to be as sure about our estimate.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #7
In order to decrease the margin of error of a 95% confidence interval to a third of what it is now, we would need to use a sample 3 times larger.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #8
A 95% confidence interval based on a sample is given as (80.31, 89.11). Report the margin of error. (up to one decimal place)
A.   3.9
B.   4.4 
C.   2.3
D.   5.1
Question #9
436 randomly sampled American adults were surveyed to get an estimate of consumer spending. Daily consumer spending for the six-day period after Thanksgiving, spanning the Black Friday weekend and Cyber Monday, averaged $84.71 and a 95% confidence interval based on this sample is ($80.31, $89.11). We are 95% confident that the average spending of those 436 American adults is between $80.31 and $89.11.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #10
If we want to reduce the standard error of the estimate, we should collect more data.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #11
A poll conducted in 2013 found that 52% of U.S. adult Twitter users get at least some news on Twitter. The standard error for this estimate was 2.4%, and a normal distribution may be used to model the sample proportion. Determine the upper limit of a 99% confidence interval for the fraction of U.S. adult Twitter users who get some news on Twitter. Note that unit is %. (up to one decimal place)
A.   64.3
B.   60.4
C.   58.2 
D.   54.7
Question #12
A drug is used to treat a disease. In a clinical test, 3.2% of 221 drug users experienced dizziness. Determine the lower limit of a 95% confidence interval estimate of the percentage of all drug users who experience dizziness. Note that unit is %. (up to two decimal places)
A.   0.71
B.   0.69
C.   0.88 
D.   0.18
Question #13
A patient named Diana was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia, a long-term syndrome of body pain, and was prescribed anti-depressants. Being the skeptic that she is, Diana didn't initially believe that anti-depressants would help her symptoms. However after a couple months of being on the medication she decides that the anti-depressants are working, because she feels like her symptoms are in fact getting better. Then is the following sentence a Type 1 Error or Type 2 Error?
A.   Type 2 Error
B.   Type 1 Error
Question #14
The standard error of p^ will be larger when n=125 compare to when n=500.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #15
Choose the correct word in the blank: Recognize that when the sample size increases we would expect the sampling variability to ___________________.
A.   decrease
B.   increase
Question #16
Choose the correct word in the blank: When one is taking many samples from the population and the sample sizes are large, the sample means will be much_____________ consistent across samples than when the sample sizes are small.
A.   more
B.   less
Question #17
Choose the correct word in the blank: Define ____________________ as the distance required to travel in either direction away from the point estimate when constructing a confidence interval, i.e. Z* x SE.
A.   confidence interval
B.   margin of error
C.   point estimation
D.   hypothesis testing
Question #18
A margin of error corresponds to the width of the confidence interval.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #19
Define the null value as the value the parameter is set to_________________ in the null hypothesis.
A.   equal
B.   be greater
C.   be less
Question #20
Which sign is not appropriate to use in an alternative hypothesis?
A.   > 
B.   < 
C.   =
D.   ≠
Question #21
Infer that if a confidence interval contains the null value, the null hypothesis should be rejected in favor of the alternative.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #22
p-value < the significance level
A.   accept the null hypothesis
B.   reject the null hypothesis
C.   fail to reject the null hypothesis
Question #23
p-value > the significance level
A.   reject the null hypothesis
B.   accept the null hypothesis
C.   fail to reject the null hypothesis

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