V_PBIO 8458 - Veterinary Public Health » Summer 2022 » Quiz 3 Lecture 6,7,8

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Question #1
All of the following are true of Cryptosporidium infection EXCEPT:
A.   The parasite's lifecycle includes both sexual and asexual reproductive stages
B.   The 1994 outbreak in Milwaukee was most likely caused by agricultural runoff into the city water supply
C.   The most common clinical symptom is profuse watery diarrhea.
D.   Excreted oocysts are immediately infective
Question #2
A laboratory studying Bacillus anthracis would require what Biosafety Level
A.   3
B.   4
C.   1
D.   2
E.   5
Question #3
Due to the incubation period for B. anthracis infection, postexposure antibiotic treatment should last for how many days?
A.   45 days
B.   3 weeks
C.   90 days
D.   60 days
Question #4
What would be the most common source for human Trichinella infections in the US at the current time?
A.   ingestion of undercooked pork
B.   eating wild game
C.   exposure to rodent feces
D.   drinking contaminated water
Question #5
Changing out of a protective suit in a separate room before leaving a laboratory would be an example of practicing:
A.   biosecurity
B.   biosafety
C.   biocontainment
D.   bioavailability
Question #6
The water flea Cyclops is involved with the transmission of what parasite?
A.   Aspergillus
B.   Entamoeba
C.   Schistosoma
D.   Dracunculus
Question #7
Which statement is true concerning human anthrax?
A.   The malignant pustules of cutaneous anthrax are generally painless.
B.   Death from pulmonary anthrax is due to severe pneumonia
C.   Cutaneous anthrax is highly contagious.
D.   Ingestion of infected meat is not a cause of anthrax.
Question #8
Clinical signs of trichinosis include all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   myocardial complications
B.   pruritic rash
C.   facial edema
D.   blindness
Question #9
This is the most common route of laboratory acquired infections.
A.   ingestion
B.   aerosol
C.   spills leading to contact with mucus membranes
D.   accidental injection
Question #10
The term "ring around the rosey" from the popular children's song refers to what clinical sign of plague?
A.   lymphadenopathy
B.   rings around bubos lesions
C.   purpura secondary to speticemia
D.   pericardial swelling

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