V_PBIO 8458 - Veterinary Public Health » Summer 2022 » Exam 1 Lecture 1-10

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Question #1
Acute pneumonia in an otherwise healthy middle age individual would raise suspicion of infection with this organism.
A.   Chlamydia psittaci
B.   Cryptococcus
C.   Helicobacter
D.   Bacillus anthracis
Question #2
Which statement is FALSE concerning cat scratch disease?
A.   Ocular manifestations include conjunctivitis and neuroretinitis
B.   Most infected cats are asymptomatic
C.   The primary clinical sign is high fever
D.   Declawing cats has not been shown to decreases chances of infection
Question #3
This is the most common form/source of human botulism seen in the United States.
A.   ingestion of undercooked meat
B.   infantile
C.   contamination of wounds
D.   foodborne illness from home canning
Question #4
This is the most common parasitic cause of diarrhea in North America.
A.   Trypanosoma cruzi
B.   Giardia lamblia
C.   cryptosporidium parvum
D.   entamoeba histolytica
Question #5
Which of the following is FALSE concerning Bacillus anthracis?
A.   Virulence factors are coded on both the pXO1 and pXO2 plasmids.
B.   Koch's postulates were developed from the study of this bacteria.
C.   Exposure of the bacteria to oxygen leads to spore formation.
D.   Spores last a long time in the soil because they are resistant to UV light degradation.
Question #6
Control of this agent determines the minimum temperatures required for milk pasteurization.
A.   Listeria
B.   E. coli
C.   Coxiella burnetti
D.   Mycobacterium bovis
Question #7
Pregnant women should avoid eating processed meats and raw milk primarily due to concern for this organism.
A.   Vibrio cholerae
B.   Listeria monocytogenes
C.   Staph aureus
D.   Salmonella typhimurium
Question #8
Efforts to prevent infectious agents from leaving a research facility would be described as attempts at:
A.   biohazard
B.   biocontainment
C.   biosecurity
D.   biosafety
Question #9
The most common clinical form of tularemia seen in people is:
A.   pulmonary
B.   oropharyngeal
C.   ulceroglandular
D.   glandular
Question #10
Milk from bulk tanks is tested for all of the following EXCEPT
A.   hormones
B.   bacterial growth inhibitors
C.   somatic cell counts
D.   pre-pasteurization bacterial counts
Question #11
This organism is probably the most common cause of chronic lymphadenopathy in children.
A.   Sporothrix schenkii
B.   Trichinella spiralis
C.   Francisella tularensis
D.   Bartonella henselae
Question #12
Bob likes to eat imported Mediterranean cheese. For months he has been complaining of muscle soreness, fatigue and occasional fever. A condition of high suspicion would be:
A.   Brucellosis
B.   Leptospirosis
C.   Chlamydiosis
D.   Q-fever
Question #13
The primary organ affected by aflatoxins is:
A.   colon
B.   liver
C.   kidney
D.   brain
Question #14
Which statement is FALSE concerning Rat Bite Fever
A.   Requires a bite or scratch from a rat when being handled
B.   The causative agent of is part of the normal respiratory flora of rats.
C.   Serious complications include myocarditis and meningitis
D.   Infection can also occur by ingestion of contaminated milk or water.
Question #15
Which of the following is true of Tularemia infections?
A.   Rabbits are a common reservoir world wide
B.   Person to person transmission is common with all forms
C.   Infection can occur from exposure to very low doses through cutaneous or respiratory exposure
D.   Due to the seriousness of the disease, all exposed persons should be treated with anitbiotics
Question #16
Common sources of Salmonella infections include all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   eggs
B.   reptiles
C.   leafy vegetables
D.   poultry
Question #17
Which of the following is an advantage of the RB51 bovine brucellosis vaccine?
A.   All of these answers are true of the vaccine
B.   Does not induce a measurable antibody response that interferes with brucella serologic tests
C.   Produces no local reactions in vaccinated animals
D.   Will not cause infection in people after accidental needle injection or ingestion.
Question #18
The most common means of transmission of Coxiella infections to people is:
A.   ingestion of contaminated meat
B.   ingestion of contaminated milk
C.   inhalation
D.   cutaneous exposure
Question #19
The 3 primary clinical signs of infection with streptobacillus moniliformis include all of the following EXCEPT
A.   septic arthritis
B.   vomiting
C.   fever
D.   rash
Question #20
Which two bacteria produce a similar toxin leading to clinical disease?
A.   Enteroinvasive E. coli and Vibrio cholera
B.   Enterohemorrhagic E. coli and Shigella dysenteriae
C.   Enteropathogenic E. coli and Shigella dysenteriae
D.   Salmonella typhimurium and Vibrio cholerae
Question #21
Which is true concerning plague caused by Yersinia pestis infections
A.   The bubonic form is highly contagious
B.   Pneumonic plague is the deadliest and most common clinical form of disease
C.   Most cases in the US occur in the state of California
D.   The cat flea, ctenocephalides felis, is not a common vector
Question #22
Lymphadenopathy and localized ulcerations seen in a landscaper in Missouri raises suspicion of infection with what organism?
A.   Francisella tularensis
B.   Coccidioides immitis
C.   Coxiella burnetti
D.   Leptospira interrogans
Question #23
All of the following are true about leptospiral infections EXCEPT:
A.   Worldwide human infections produce nearly 1 million clinical cases and 60,000 deaths per year
B.   Broad vaccine protection is difficult to obtain due to the presence of multiple strains and serovars
C.   Rats are the most significant reservoirs
D.   Icterus is the most common clinical sign
Question #24
A person cuts their foot on a rock on the beach and then later goes swimming in the ocean. A severe progressive flesh eating type skin infection develops secondary to what bacteria exposure?
A.   Campylobacter jejuni
B.   Vibrio vulnificus
C.   Leptospira canicola
D.   Streptococcus bacillus
Question #25
The initial rotavirus vaccine created for children was discontinued due it causing increased cases of what condition?
A.   vomiting
B.   intestinal intussusception
C.   profuse diarrhea
D.   anaphylaxis
Question #26
Because of its paralyzing effects on muscle activity, the botulinum toxin has been used to treat all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   cosmetically to reduce wrinkles from aging
B.   migraines
C.   cerebral palsy
D.   epilepsy
Question #27
Hemolytic uremic syndrome is a severe condition most commonly associated with infection by what agent?
A.   Norovirus
B.   Salmonella enterica
C.   Enterohemorrhagic E. coli.
D.   Clostridium perfringens
Question #28
Feeding regulations in the Federal Swine Health Protection Act of 1980 contributed to the control and reduction of this zoonotic agent in the US.
A.   Campylobacter
B.   African Swine Fever
C.   Trichinella
D.   Influenza (swine flu)
Question #29
A human vaccine is available for all of the following infectious agents EXCEPT
A.   Salmonella typhi
B.   Norovirus
C.   Bacillus anthracis
D.   Hepatitis A Virus
Question #30
Veterinarians in the Southwestern US might be concerned about contracting this when treating a cat with swollen lymph nodes.
A.   Tularemia
B.   Leptospirosis
C.   Plague
D.   Anthrax

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