Communications 100 - Public Speaking » Spring 2022 » Final Exam

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Question #1
What speech delivery is unpracticed, spontaneous, and given with little time to prepare?
A.   impromptu
B.   memorized
C.   none are correct
D.   manuscript
E.   extemporaneous
Question #2
A type of visual aid that is usually built to scale, that represents another object in detail.
A.   Photographs
B.   Models
C.   Objects
D.   Graph
E.   Chart
Question #3
John F. Kennedy’s statement, “Ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country” is an example of what language device that creates rhythm?
A.   Alliteration
B.   Malapropisms
C.   Parallelism
D.   Antithesis
E.   Epiphora
Question #4
A fallacy in which a speaker automatically assumes that something new is better than something old is
A.   Slippery slope
B.   Red herring
C.   Hasty generalization
D.   Appeal to novelty
E.   Bandwagon
Question #5
All of the following are guidelines for preparing presentation aids except
A.   enlarge pictures so everyone can see
B.   use fonts that are easy to read
C.   use different font colors whenever possible
D.   keep visual aid simple
E.   use color effectively
Question #6
A fallacy in which a speaker jumps to a general conclusion on the basis of insufficient evidence is
A.   Hasty generalization
C.   Appeal to novelty
D.   Slippery slope
E.   Red herring
F.   Bandwagon
Question #7
A graph that uses one or more lines to show changes in statistics over time and space is:
A.   Flow graph
B.   Map graph
C.   Pie graph
D.   Line graph
E.   Bar graph
Question #8
What speech delivery is well researched, organized, practiced and then delivered from a brief set of notes?
A.   manuscript
B.   impromptu
C.   extemporaneous
D.   memorized
E.   none are correct
Question #9
Monroe’s Motivated Sequence follows what 5 steps?
A.   Attention, need, solution, visualization, action
B.   Attention, cause, effect, satisfaction, action
C.   Problem, cause, solution, visualization, action
D.   Attention, problem, cause, satisfaction, action
E.   Attention, need, effect, cause, action
Question #10
A situation-specific social anxiety that arises from anticipating giving an oral presentation is called:
A.   life-success anxiety
B.   ethical-speaking anxiety
C.   successful-listening anxiety
D.   public-speaking anxiety
E.   audience-centered anxiety
Question #11
Visual aids offer a speaker several advantages, one being that
A.   Presentation aids can make your speech more memorable.
B.   All of these are advantages.
C.   Presentation aids strengthen the clarity of a speaker’s message.
D.   Presentation aids can make it easier to explain information.
E.   Presentation aids can make your speech more interesting.
Question #12
Citing research that concludes that being bullied can negatively affect the way that people feel about themselves is research appealing to which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A.   Safety
B.   Physiological
C.   Achievement
D.   Self-esteem
E.   Social
Question #13
A fallacy that introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion
A.   Bandwagon
B.   Red herring
C.   Hasty generalization
D.   Appeal to novelty
E.   Slippery slope
Question #14
When giving a speech with a visual aid speech, what should you make sure you do in terms of your visual aid?
A.   All are correct
B.   Make sure your visual aid is professional quality
C.   Make sure your visual aid is large enough to see
D.   Make sure your visual aid communicates idea visually
E.   Use your visual aid comfortably
Question #15
A graph that highlights segments of circle to show simple distribution patterns is a
A.   Map graph
B.   Pie graph
C.   Flow graph
D.   Line graph
E.   Bar graph
Question #16
A speaker’s ethos is affected by two primary factors
A.   competence and character
B.   goodwill and emotion
C.   logic and emotion
D.   character and trustworthiness
E.   experience and rationality
Question #17
A fallacy that attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute.
A.   Appeal to tradition
B.   Either-or
C.   Invalid analogy
D.   Ad hominem
E.   False cause
Question #18
Asking audience members to imagine their lives with or without a proposed solution occurs in which step of Monroe’s Motivated Sequence?
A.   Visualization
B.   Solution
C.   Action
D.   Attention
E.   Need
Question #19
What are three ways a speaker can use imagery to express their creative ideas?
A.   use of jargon, abstractions, and pauses
B.   use of concrete words, simile, and metaphor
C.   use of simile, description, and denotation
D.   use of nonverbal emblems, expression, and concrete words
E.   use of vivid language, nonverbal expression, and effective pauses
Question #20
A visual aid used to show statistical trends and patterns.
A.   Graph
B.   Object
C.   Chart
D.   Model
E.   Photograph
Question #21
What step in Monroe’s Motivated Sequence does the speaker overcome audience objections?
A.   Solution
B.   Need
C.   Attention
D.   Visualization
E.   Action
Question #22
A fallacy which assumes that taking a first step will lead to subsequent steps that cannot be prevented is
A.   Hasty generalization
B.   Slippery slope
C.   Bandwagon
D.   Red herring
E.   Appeal to novelty
Question #23
Speakers should display visual aids
A.   throughout the entire speech to hold audience’s attention
B.   to the people who are paying attention
C.   only in the conclusion
D.   none are correct
E.   only when discussing them
Question #24
The audience’s response to a public speaker’s message that can be conveyed both verbally and nonverbally is called?
A.   feedback
B.   context
C.   shared meaning
D.   channel
E.   noise
Question #25
Words have two kinds of meaning, they are?
A.   denotative and connotative
B.   intrinsic and extrinsic
C.   literary and demonical
D.   descriptive and literal
E.   descriptive and prescriptive
Question #26
A fallacy in which a speaker mistakenly assumes that because one event follows another, the first event is the cause of the second.
A.   False cause
B.   Ad hominem
C.   Appeal to tradition
D.   Either-or
E.   Invalid analogy
Question #27
Any interference that gets in the way from a speaker’s message being clearly communicated is called:
A.   context
B.   feedback
C.   channel
D.   shared meaning
E.   noise
Question #28
An analogy in which the two cases being compared are not essentially alike.
A.   Ad hominem
B.   Invalid analogy
C.   Either-or
D.   False cause
E.   Appeal to tradition
Question #29
A fallacy in which a speaker assumes that something old is automatically better than something new
A.   Ad hominem
B.   False cause
C.   Either-or
D.   Invalid analogy
E.   Appeal to tradition
Question #30
Discussing news reports that document ways that individuals do not have access to clean drinking water is appealing to which of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs?
A.   Social
B.   Achievement
C.   Physiological
D.   Self-esteem
E.   Safety
Question #31
A fallacy that argues there are only two alternatives when, in fact, there are many is called:
A.   Either-or
B.   False cause
C.   Invalid analogy
D.   Ad hominem
E.   Appeal to tradition

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