V_PBIO 8458 - Veterinary Public Health » Summer 2022 » Quiz 4 Lecture 11,12,13

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Question #1
Which of the following is true concerning tuberculosis testing and vaccination?
A.   The PPD skin test was originally developed by Robert Koch as a vaccine for the disease
B.   The BCG vaccine is a killed (inactivated) vaccine.
C.   The vaccine does not interfere with skin testing.
D.   It is recommended that persons with HIV should be vaccinated as an extra precaution.
Question #2
Hearing loss is a common sequala of infection with this virus :
A.   Marburg virus
B.   Ebola virus
C.   Lassa virus
D.   Influenza virus
Question #3
Highly pathogenic avian influenza (HPAI) usually contain one of the following H antigen types.
A.   H2, or H2
B.   None specific
C.   H1, H3, or H8
D.   H5,H7, or H9
Question #4
One primary clinical feature seen with monkeypox infection that is not common with chicken pox (varicella) or small pox (variola) is:
A.   pruritic rash
B.   encephalitis
C.   lymphadenopathy
D.   fever
Question #5
Concerning mycobacterial infections, which of the following is TRUE?
A.   Successful eradication programs have reduced the importance of M. bovis monitoring in the US.
B.   Isolation and ostracizing of people with M. leprae infection was actually beneficial due to the highly contagious nature of the disease.
C.   M. avium vr. paratuberculosis is a known contributing factor to Crohn's Disease
D.   Armadillos are an emerging natural reservoir for M. leprae
Question #6
The LEAST concerning strain of ebola virus for humans is:
A.   Sudan
B.   Zaire
C.   Reston
D.   Bundibugyo
Question #7
Which is TRUE concerning LCVM infections:
A.   Meningitis and encephalitis caused by LCVM usually leads to permanent damage
B.   Rats are the primary host
C.   Viral infections in people leads to clinical disease in most cases.
D.   Clinically causes a biphasic febrile illness
Question #8
By definition, Multiple Drug Resistant (MDR) TB occurs when the infectious agent is resistant to which 2 antibiotics?
A.   isoniazid and fluoroquinolones
B.   isoniazid and rifampin
C.   rifampin and fluoroquinolones
D.   penicillin and rifampin
Question #9
Which describes the current protocol for post exposure rabies prophylaxis for individuals with previous rabies vaccination?
A.   booster IM vaccine at day 0 and 3
B.   IgG and booster vaccine at day 0
C.   booster IM vaccine at day 0
D.   IgG plus booster vaccine at day 0 and 3
Question #10
This animal has been the most most common source of exposure for the few human rabies clinical cases that have developed in the US in recent history.
A.   bat
B.   cat
C.   skunk
D.   raccoon

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