Psychology 1010 - General Psychology » Summer 2022 » Test 2

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Question #1
"I know it! It's um . . . um . . . It starts with 'G'," begins a trivia game contestant excitedly. The contestant is falling prey to the _____ phenomenon.
A.   maintenance rehearsal
B.   recency
C.   flashbulb memory
D.   tip-of-the-tongue
Question #2
A jeweler is unable to fix a particular mounting in a ring because she can imagine only the conventional uses for her tools. This situation demonstrates:
A.   algorithmic thinking.
B.   trial and error.
C.   functional fixedness.
D.   insight.
Question #3
According to Erikson, the first stage of a child's psychosocial development is the _____ stage.
A.   autonomy vs. doubt
B.   initiative vs. guilt
C.   trust vs. mistrust
D.   industry vs. inferiority
Question #4
According to Mary Ainsworth, a child with ambivalent attachment will:
A.   continue to show signs of distress when the mother returns after a brief absence.
B.   play and explore new settings when the parent is present.
C.   show no concern when the mother leaves the room.
D.   react well to the sudden appearance of strangers.
Question #5
An individual's potential for learning is called:
A.   creativity.
B.   intelligence.
C.   flexibility.
D.   aptitude.
Question #6
An introductory psychology student expresses an interest in growth and change during childhood and adolescence. Which upper-level psychology course should she consider taking next semester?
A.   biological psychology
B.   cognitive psychology
C.   developmental psychology
D.   learning
Question #7
Because she drank too much alcohol, Deanna barely remembers her 21st birthday. That is, her _____ memory is sketchy.
A.   semantic
B.   episodic
C.   working
D.   procedural
Question #8
Clarice presses the Ctrl and S keys on her keyboard to save a document. A file is then created on her computer's hard drive. Clarice's action is MOST analogous to the memory activity of:
A.   interference.
B.   retrieval.
C.   encoding.
D.   storage.
Question #9
Compared to iconic memory, echoic memory:
A.   does not last as long.
B.   is less accurate.
C.   lasts longer.
D.   is more accurate.
Question #10
Coral's IQ score is 104. She is in good company: nearly _____ out of 10 people have IQ scores between 85 and 115.
A.   8
B.   9
C.   5
D.   7
Question #11
Critical periods suggest that:
A.   personality is altered by relationships and experiences during life.
B.   personality is generally stable over the life span.
C.   there are at least some definite periods or "stages" in development.
D.   development is gradual and continuous, without definite stages.
Question #12
Dawn is a graduate student investigating the development of fine motor skills. She selects one group of children and assesses their fine motor skills every 6 months over a 2-year period. In this example, Dawn is using a _____ research design.
A.   longitudinal
B.   sequential
C.   cross-sectional
D.   cross-sequential
Question #13
Edric is no longer angry he is dying of colon cancer. If Kübler-Ross is correct, Edric will now experience:
A.   bargaining.
B.   depression.
C.   acceptance.
D.   denial.
Question #14
Explicit memory is also called _____ memory.
A.   semantic
B.   procedural
C.   declarative
D.   episodic
Question #15
Grouping pieces of information together to expand the capacity of short-term memory is called:
A.   chunking.
B.   clumping.
C.   compiling.
D.   consolidating.
Question #16
Heredity vs. environment is another of way of referring to the _____ debate.
A.   nature vs. nurture
B.   stages vs. continuity
C.   stability vs. change
D.   free will vs. determinism
Question #17
In Piaget's theory, the process of fitting new experiences into existing schemas is called _____. The process of restructuring ideas to make room for new information is called _____.
A.   conservation; accommodation
B.   assimilation; accommodation
C.   accommodation; assimilation
D.   assimilation; conservation
Question #18
In Sternberg's terms, _____ intelligence drives one's ability to adjust to different environments.
A.   creative
B.   analytical
C.   logical
D.   practical
Question #19
In the United States, the average life expectancy is just over _____ years for men and just over _____ years for women.
A.   70; 75
B.   75; 85
C.   70; 80
D.   75; 80
Question #20
In the words of George Miller, the capacity of short-term memory is the "magical number _____."
A.   6, plus or minus 1
B.   7, plus or minus 2
C.   5, plus or minus 2
D.   9, plus or minus 2
Question #21
Jody is completing a test in which she has to name as many state capitals as she can in 1 minute. Aditi is trying to complete analogies between pairs of abstract diagrams. Jody is completing a test of _____ intelligence, whereas Aditi is completing a test of _____ intelligence.
A.   crystallized; fluid
B.   crystallized; abstract
C.   semantic; fluid
D.   fluid; crystallized
Question #22
Kyana is an excellent salesperson because she can usually find a way of connecting with a potential client. Based on this information, in which kind of intelligence would Gardner expect Kyana to be high?
A.   linguistic
B.   interpersonal
C.   analytical
D.   creative
Question #23
Last week, Mike heard about five separate airplane crashes on the news. Even though, overall, motorcycle accidents account for more accidents than plane crashes do, Mike decides to ride his motorcycle from Philadelphia to Atlanta instead of flying. Which bias is reflected in Mike's decision?
A.   the representativeness heuristic
B.   the framing effect
C.   the confirmation bias
D.   the availability heuristic
Question #24
Maturation refers to _____ development.
A.   emotional
B.   physical
C.   social
D.   cognitive
Question #25
Mental representations of categories of objects, situations, or ideas that share common features are called:
A.   images.
B.   prototypes.
C.   concepts.
D.   heuristics.
Question #26
Nigel often cites newspaper editorials favoring the presidential candidate he supports and ignores editorials critical of the candidate. Nigel appears prone to:
A.   the availability heuristic.
B.   functional fixedness.
C.   the confirmation bias.
D.   the representativeness heuristic.
Question #27
Psychologists define _____ as the capacity to solve problems, adapt to the environment, and learn from experience.
A.   creativity
B.   intelligence
C.   cognition
D.   reasoning
Question #28
Psychologists use the term _____ to refer to the patterns of physical, cognitive, and socioemotional change occurring throughout life.
A.   development
B.   learning
C.   maturation
D.   cognition
Question #29
Psychologists use the word _____ to refer to the processes whereby the brain collects, stores, and retrieves information for later use.
A.   memory
B.   learning
C.   intelligence
D.   sensation
Question #30
The MOST common type of infant temperament is _____, whereas the LEAST common type is _____.
A.   easy; slow to warm up
B.   slow to warm up; difficult
C.   easy; difficult
D.   slow to warm up; easy
Question #31
The MOST commonly used IQ test in the United States is the:
B.   Spearman G Scale.
C.   Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale.
D.   Terman Intelligence Battery.
Question #32
The animal researcher _____ conducted classic studies of imprinting among goslings.
A.   Konrad Lorenz
B.   Jean Piaget
C.   Lev Vygotsky
D.   Harry Harlow
Question #33
The field of cognitive development is greatly indebted to the seminal work of the Swiss scholar:
A.   Pavlov.
B.   Vygotsky.
C.   Freud.
D.   Piaget.
Question #34
The first intelligence test was devised by:
A.   Weschler.
B.   Binet.
C.   Spearman.
D.   Stern.
Question #35
The g-factor is:
A.   a broad factor that underlies every aspect of intelligence.
B.   the same thing as Gardner's linguistic intelligence.
C.   a component of Sternberg's triarchic theory of intelligence.
D.   one of several components of intelligence.
Question #36
The notion of creative intelligence is associated with:
A.   Spearman.
B.   Gardner.
C.   Binet.
D.   Sternberg.
Question #37
A.   2
B.   23 pairs of
C.   2 pairs of
D.   23
Question #38
Twelve-year-old Nathaniel was having trouble solving the word problems in his math homework. His dad began reading the problems aloud and emphasizing the important information. As Nathaniel started catching on, his dad gradually provided less help for each new problem. This interaction illustrates:
A.   Erikson's concept of industry versus inferiority.
B.   Piaget's concept of conservation.
C.   Piaget's concept of concrete operational thought.
D.   Vygotsky's concept of scaffolding.
Question #39
When one uses the term "remembering" in day-to-day life, one is making reference to the memory process of:
A.   storage.
B.   rehearsal.
C.   retrieval.
D.   encoding.
Question #40
Which of the following sequences BEST reflects the order in which memory processes occur, from first to last?
A.   encoding, storage, retrieval
B.   encoding, retrieval, storage
C.   storage, retrieval, encoding
D.   storage, encoding, retrieval
Question #41
Which of the following sequences best reflects the order of stages in the information processing model of memory?
A.   sensory memory > long-term memory > short-term memory
B.   sensory memory > short-term memory > long-term memory
C.   short-term memory > working memory > long-term memory
D.   short-term memory > sensory memory > long-term memory
Question #42
Which sequence accurately reflects the order of Piaget's stages of cognitive development, from birth through adolescence?
A.   nonoperational > preoperational > operational > postoperational
B.   sensorimotor > preoperational > concrete operational > formal operational
C.   preoperational > concrete operational > preoperational > formal operational
D.   sensorimotor > concrete operational > preoperational > formal operational
Question #43
Which sequence represents the units of genetics, from the smallest and most specific to the largest and most inclusive?
A.   gene > chromosome > DNA
B.   DNA > gene > chromosome
C.   gene > DNA > chromosome
D.   DNA > chromosome > gene
Question #44
While a computer's hard drive may be likened to the memory process of storage, its keyboard is analogous to the process of:
A.   retrieval.
B.   decay.
C.   encoding.
D.   chunking.
Question #45
Zelma is asked to think of all the words she can, beginning with the letters "squ," as in "squeak." Later she is given a fill-in-the-blank task on which one of the items is "s _ _ o n g." Zelma keeps trying to make "squong" a word, and has trouble thinking of the common word "strong." Zelma's ability to solve this problem has been hampered by:
A.   an algorithm.
B.   a mental set.
C.   functional fixedness.
D.   confirmation bias.
Question #46
A.   Formal
B.   Superordinate
C.   Natural
D.   Prototypical
Question #47
_____ intelligence is NOT among Gardner's "frames of mind," or types of intelligence.
A.   Linguistic
B.   Analytical
C.   Spatial
D.   Musical
Question #48
_____ intelligence is one of Gardner's "frames of mind," or forms of intelligence.
A.   General
B.   Practical
C.   Spatial
D.   Analytical
Question #49
_____ is associated with a theory of intelligence proposing seven or more distinct forms of intelligence.
A.   Spearman
B.   Gardner
C.   Sternberg
D.   Binet
Question #50
_____ is the first of Kübler-Ross's stages.
A.   Denial
B.   Anger
C.   Bargaining
D.   Depression

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