Bio 2010 - Microbiology » Summer 2022 » Streak-For-Isolation Technique

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Question #1
After each streak on the plate with the inoculating loop, what is done to the loop?
A.   flamed until loop glows
B.   wiped with disinfectant
C.   re-introduced to stock culture
D.   discarded
Question #2
Imagine that you forgot to flame the loop before streaking the inoculum from the first sector/quadrant into the second sector/quadrant. What is the most likely consequence of this error?
A.   too little bacterial growth outside the first sector/quadrant.
B.   contamination of the broth culture.
C.   too much bacterial growth outside the first sector/quadrant.
D.   contamination of the Petri plate culture.
Question #3
Which of the following would be considered a next step application for any isolated colonies on your streak-for-isolation plate?
A.   incubation
B.   inoculation
C.   none of these
D.   more than one of these are correct
E.   inspection
F.   identification
Question #4
Which of the following observations would suggest that a plate was inoculated with a pure culture?
A.   isolated colonies have uniform color and same size.
B.   bacterial growth is apparent along the streaks connecting each quadrant.
C.   isolated colonies are all white in color, but some colonies are noticeably larger than others.
D.   bacterial growth is apparent in all four quadrants.
Question #5
A student in our class makes their first Streak-for-Isolation plate and has it returned to them after incubation. Looking at it, you notice that there is bacterial growth in the first two quadrants/sectors, but not in the last two quadrants/sectors. Which of the following is the most likely explanation for this observation?
A.   they did not incubate the agar plate long enough
B.   they forgot to flame their loop before making the next sector/quadrant
C.   they did not incubate the agar plate at the ideal temperature
D.   they did not make contact in the second sector/quadrant while making the third sector/quadrant.

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