V_PBIO 8458 - Veterinary Public Health » Summer 2022 » Quiz 6 Lecture 17,18,18b

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Question #1
An ulcerative cutaneous infection that occurs after puncture from a thorny branch would most likely involve this agent.
A.   Clostridium botulinum
B.   Trichophyton
C.   Sporothrix schnekii
D.   Bartonella henselae
Question #2
Prion disease in most animals, including humans, is thought to arise as a result of all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   spontaneous changes in protein structure
B.   genetic predisposition toward prion development
C.   aerosol exposure
D.   ingestion of contaminated meat
Question #3
Which of the following is true concerning treatment of fungal diseases
A.   Isoniazid and rifampin are often first line drugs of choice
B.   Months of therapy is usually required
C.   Antifungal medications tend to have few side effects
D.   A Wood's lamp is useful for monitoring success of treatment of many dermatologic infections
Question #4
Which of the following statements is true?
A.   West Nile Virus has the highest mortality rate of any mosquito borne disease in the US
B.   Transmission of the West Nile Virus by its primary vector would be expected to occur between dusk to dawn
C.   EEE, VEE, WEE all cause disease of similar severity
D.   Eastern Equine Encephalitis virus causes severe disease in most people who become infected
Question #5
Microsporum gypseum would be described as this due to the most common origin of infection with this organism
A.   zoophilic
B.   geophilic
C.   anthropophilic
D.   sarcophilic
Question #6
CJD and variant CJD differ in all of the following features EXCEPT
A.   duration of illness
B.   presence of diagnostic EEG changes
C.   age of onset of disease
D.   classification as a transmissable spongiform encephalopathy
Question #7
West Nile Virus belongs to which of the following virus families
A.   Flavivirus
B.   Filovirus
C.   Arbovirus
D.   Togavirus
Question #8
Which of these is not a prion disease
A.   Scrapie
B.   Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome
C.   Kuru
D.   Transmissible mink encephalopathy
Question #9
The potential clinical signs of Lyme disease include all of the following EXCEPT:
A.   hepatitis
B.   erythematous rash
C.   meningitis
D.   arthritis
Question #10
The proteinaceous particles from which prions evolve have high affinity binding sites for which element?
A.   potassium
B.   calcium
C.   iron
D.   copper

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