FCS 340 - Marriage and Family Relations » Fall 2019 » Chapter 11 Quiz

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Question #1
Jane and Jack actively discussed having children and jointly decided to conceive a child. The thought of having their own children excited them as well. They are an example of ________ couples.
A.   ambivalent
B.   yes-no
C.   planner
D.   acceptance-of-fate
Question #2
James and Marie are a couple that had mixed feelings before and after conception and even well into Marie's pregnancy. They decide to have the baby because James feels strongly about having a child. In this scenario, James and Marie are an example of ________.
A.   acceptance-of-fate couples
B.   planner couples
C.   yes-no couples
D.   ambivalent couples
Question #3
John did not want to have a child, but his wife, Jane, decided to go ahead with the pregnancy regardless of his wishes. They eventually divorced over the situation. John and Jane are an example of a(n) ________couple.
A.   acceptance-of-fate
B.   yes-no
C.   ambivalent
D.   planner
Question #4
Karen and Tim are having a debate on the benefits and costs of having children. Karen believes that having babies is a benefit, while Tim argues otherwise. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Karen's argument?
A.   Child-rearing costs tend to be more in urban areas that in the rural areas.
B.   The abortion rate in the country has decreased over the past decade.
C.   Most American parents have been found to be overjoyed at the birth of their first baby.
D.   There has been a steep decline in postpartum depression cases in the country.
Question #5
Henry argues that having newborns can have a negative effect on fathers. Which of the following is an accurate statement that strengthens Henry's claim?
A.   Typically, the responsibility for a baby's care tends to fall heavily on new fathers, they are more likely than mothers to experience marital dissatisfaction
B.   Between four and ten percent of fathers are found to have postpartum depression symptoms in the first year of their children's birth.
C.   Bonding between the mother and the newborn has always been found to be more endearing and instant than between the father and the newborn.
D.   Fatherhood has found to enhance the sense of maturity and responsibility in most men.
Question #6
Which of the following is true of nonmarital births in America?
A.   Teenagers account for less than one percent of all nonmarital births.
B.   Births to unmarried women are similar across racial-ethnic groups.
C.   White women have more nonmarital babies than do other groups.
D.   The majority of children born in America are from nonmarital births.
Question #7
In a ________ birth, the baby is less than 37 weeks compared with 39 to 41 weeks for a full-term birth.
A.   vaginal
B.   pre-term
C.   surrogate
D.   caesarean
Question #8
________ is the prevention of pregnancy by behavioral, mechanical, or chemical means.
A.   Contraception
B.   Pre-natalization
C.   Post-natalization
D.   Fertilization
Question #9
Which of the following is an accurate statement concerning how micro-level factors lead to postponed parenthood?
A.   Disturbed by high divorce rates, some young couples delay parenthood until they feel confident that their marriage will work.
B.   A number of national studies show that the higher a woman's education level, the more likely she is to delay childbearing.
C.   Daunting jobs and careers make it more difficult to meet prospective mates.
D.   Many young adults are delaying marriage and having children because they have high college and credit card debts.
Question #10
Ross believes that micro-level factors are typically responsible for delayed or postponed parenthood. However, Ryan disagrees and is of the opinion that macro-level factors typically contribute to postponed parenthood. Which of the following is an accurate statement that will strengthen Ryan's view?
A.   Women who enjoy their jobs and need money to boost their household income are often reluctant to take on balancing child rearing and paid work.
B.   Many single women don't want to conceive or adopt a child on their own
C.   Attitudes about the "ideal" family size have changed, resulting in less pressure to have more than two children.
D.   The United States—especially compared with many European countries—has abysmal family leave policies, and rigid work schedules.
Question #11
An infection of the uterus that spreads to the tubes as well as to the ovaries and surrounding tissues is called ________.
A.   endometriosis
B.   chlamydia
C.   gonorrhea
D.   pelvic inflammatory disease
Question #12
Which of the following is true of in vitro fertilization?
A.   It involves storing unfertilized eggs for future use.
B.   It has very low rates for multiple births.
C.   It always requires a surrogate mother in order to be carried out.
D.   It requires the surgical removal of eggs from a woman's ovaries.
Question #13
Samantha, a pregnant wife, found that she was set to have septuplets. However, she feared that she would be unable to support all her children financially and decided to undergo an operation that would abort some fetuses. In this scenario, Samantha is undergoing a procedure known as ________.
A.   egg freezing
B.   surrogacy
C.   selective reduction
D.   artificial insemination
Question #14
Tania, who is in her tenth week of pregnancy, is concerned about the fetus growing inside her. Having her first child at the age of 40, she is worried that the baby may suffer from Down syndrome. Which of the following prenatal test would best suit Tania if she plans to obtain such information?
A.   chorionic villus sampling
B.   in vitro fertilization
C.   amniocentesis
D.   pap smear test
Question #15
Jenny underwent a surgical procedure during the twentieth week of her pregnancy in which the doctors inserted a needle into her amniotic sac through her abdomen and withdrew some fluid. The fluid was then studied for any abnormalities such as signs of Down syndrome and spina bifida. In this scenario, Jenny underwent a procedure known as ________.
A.   amniocentesis
B.   chorionic villus sampling
C.   artificial insemination
D.   preimplantation genetic diagnosis
Question #16
The Rutherfords are planning to adopt a child, but they do not wish to expose the child to the birth parents, nor are they interested in co-parenting the child with the birth parents. Which of the following types of adoption practices would best suit the Rutherfords?
A.   semi-open adoption
B.   mediated adoption
C.   closed adoption
D.   open adoption
Question #17
Which of the following is an advantage of open adoptions?
A.   Adopted children are less likely to feel abandoned and can increase their circle of supportive adults.
B.   Birth parents can maintain privacy while providing some information.
C.   Adoptive parents are safe from the interference or co-parenting by birth parents.
D.   Adopted children are safe from unstable or emotionally disturbed birth parents.
Question #18
International adoptions increased steadily from 1998 to 2004 but then started dropping. Which of the following is a reason for this?
A.   More childless American couples are adopting within America as the adoption process has become less rigid.
B.   Host countries have curtailed international adoptions for cultural, political, and economic reasons.
C.   The waiting period for adoption in the United States has been revised to less than that of most international countries.
D.   American laws do not encourage childless couples to engage in intercountry adoption.
Question #19
Nelly, an unmarried woman, found out that she was pregnant. However, she did not want go through with the pregnancy and decided to have an abortion. In this scenario, Nelly should go for a ________.
A.   induced abortion
B.   surrogate abortion
C.   spontaneous abortion
D.   miscarriage
Question #20
Laura, a student, plans to have children in the future. However, she does not plan to get married and prefers to be a single mom. In this scenario, Laura is considered to be ________.
A.   temporarily childless
B.   voluntarily childless
C.   reluctantly childless
D.   biologically childless

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