History 111 - The Women in America » Summer 2022 » RQ 4
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Question #1
Which of the following is a reason the Triangle Shirtwaist Fire of 1911 had a deadly outcome AND has the correct death toll?
The doors were locked from the outside and the fire escapes pulled away from the building. 146 died.
The women died of smoke inhalation since they worked underground. 149 died.
The doors were wide open, but the women trampled each other running out. 150 died.
The women fell asleep while working and didn't realize there was a fire. 150 died.
Question #2
How does Beard explain women’s affinity for reforms she identifies as “municipal housekeeping?”
She explains that women are natural "busybodies," so it shouldn't be a surprise that women want to try to fix everything and then fail
Beard explains that Progressive era women didn't have a lot of options, so helping others was the only way they could make money and become wealthy
She explains that women love being indoors and don't want to help anyone outside of their own families
Women have learned that in order to fix the afflictions of human misery, they have to "swat at its nest" to get rid of the problem at its source
Question #3
What was the very first act of protest by Alice Paul and Lucy Burns? In what way was the date and location of this act strategic?
The first act of protest was a suffrage parade held the day before Woodrow Wilson's inauguration because all of the nation's attention was on Washington, DC.
A march on the Philadelphia state house in 1917 because only women in Western states could vote.
A voting rights parade from Boston to New York City to show that women were strong and could do hard things, including walking far and voting.
A march in New York City on March 3, 1933 because 3 was the number of completion and unity.
Question #4
When the US Congress voted to take over Hawaii by force in 1898, what did US suffragists protest about?
They protested that US missionary women were rarely able to become missionaries without becoming wives first.
They protested Congress's intention to write a territorial constitution for Hawaiians that confined political rights to men only.
They protested that Hawaii's queen was a woman who was being treated unfairly.
They protested that more women should be allowed in the cabinet of the new US-Hawaiian government since there were only 2 women in high-ranking positions.
Question #5
Which of the following was NOT a reason that women decided to leave their homelands and come to the United States in the late nineteenth century?
To reunite with their families
To live off the grid and live off of the wealth from the "old country"
For economic opportunities
To reunite with their husbands
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