Soc 101 - Introduction to Sociology » Summer 2022 » Blog 9 Society Pages

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Question #1
Gender and Family Time Modern parents must balance work and family time, but the gender of the parent influences how much time is spent on each of these activities. Review this research on gender and family time and answer the following questions. (Links to an external site.) Understanding the Post From 1970 to 2012, women’s labor force participation increased from _______ percent to ______ percent of the population.
A.   38; 47
B.   62; 53
C.   55; 76
D.   47; 53
Question #2
Seventy-one percent of ________________________________ were in the labor force in 2012.
A.   women with children ages 6–17
B.   women with children younger than 6
C.   women with children under 18
Question #3
Which of the following statements is true about men and women’s time spent on housework in 2011?
A.   The disparity between the amount of time men and women spend on housework has widened significantly in recent years.
B.   Women spend almost twice as many hours on housework as men do. The gap between the amount of time men and women spend on housework has narrowed.
C.   Men and women spend essentially the same amount of time on housework today.
Question #4
Connecting the Post to Readings and Lecture Concepts As the post points out, men are doing more housework than they used to, but women still do far more. As described in the readings and lecture, what was the term Arlie Hochschild’s landmark study of households with two working parents used to describe the household work women do in addition to their paid jobs?
A.   gender roles
B.   the feminization of poverty
C.   second shift
D.   gender inequality
Question #5
According to our readings and/or lecture and discussions, why was the recent U.S. recession called the "mancession" by some?
A.   During this time, many women transitioned into jobs that had been previously male-dominated.
B.   The majority of those who lost their jobs during the recession were men.
C.   Since men generally have more stable careers than women, men were in a much better position to keep their jobs during the recession.
Question #6
Acceptance of Gay Marriage in the United States The following research explores the changes in acceptance of same-sex marriage in the United States. Review the graphs and answer the following questions. (Links to an external site.) Understanding the Post According to this poll, what percent of Americans support same-sex marriage?
A.   41 percent
B.   49 percent
C.   33 percent
D.   14 percent
Question #7
Where have we seen the most change in Americans’ views on same-sex marriage?
A.   More people have changed their views to oppose gay marriage.
B.   Very few people have changed their mind about gay marriage.
C.   More people have changed their views to support gay marriage.
Question #8
Select the common reasons people gave for why they changed their view on gay marriage.
A.   "People are born gay", "don’t care"
B.   "moral/religious beliefs", "It’s inevitable", "know someone who is homosexual", "Government should stay out of it"
C.   "moral/religious beliefs", "It’s inevitable", "know someone who is homosexual","don’t care"
D.   "People are born gay", "It’s inevitable", "know someone who is homosexual"
Question #9
Connecting the Post to Readings and Lecture Concepts According to our readings and/or lecture and discussions, many believe that same-sex couples should only be granted civil unions and not "marriages." Which of the following best describes why?
A.   Civil unions and marriages carry the exact same rights and benefits, they just have different names.
B.   Many believe that children need both a mother and a father to be properly socialized.
C.   The term "marriage" has a religious meaning for many, and same-sex marriage is not approved in many religions.
Question #10
Unbeknownst to most Americans, there are actually many people within the LGBTQ community who do not support same-sex marriage.
A.   none of these
B.   They oppose same-sex marriage on religious grounds. Marriage is viewed as assimilationist to heteronormative structures.
C.   Marriage is viewed as assimilationist to heteronormative structures. They believe the push for same-sex marriage creates "hierarchies of worthiness" within the LGBTQ community. They believe it rewards same-sex couples who "mimic" heterosexual couples most closely.
D.   Marriage is viewed as assimilationist to heteronormative structures.

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