Philosophy 1330 - Ethics » Fall 2022 » Week 2 Quiz The Trolley Problem & Relativism

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Question #1
Why does Rachels bring up the practice of excision?
A.   To provide an example of a moral act that most people across cultures would argue is always wrong.
B.   To demonstrate how religion is the key to solving moral disputes.
C.   Trick question, he doesn't actually bring up excision in this chapter.
D.   To show that all moral actions are always equally moral.
Question #2
In our reading this week, the Trolley problem is introduced using what type of "real world" scenario?
A.   a pandemic virus
B.   a surgeon operating on organ donors 
C.   Self-driving car
D.   Public Housing Design
Question #3
The system of standards people use to distinguish right from wrong is called what?
A.   morality 
B.   utilitarianism 
C.   relativism 
D.   ethics
Question #4
Which of the following is a lesson Rachels believes we should learn from cultural relativism?
A.   That there is no such thing as right or wrong.
B.   That the ends always justify the means
C.   That we need to protect morality from relativism.
D.   To be open-minded about other cultures.
Question #5
Which of the following is NOT one of the consequences of Cultural Relativism?
A.   We could no longer criticize the code of our own society.
B.   The idea of moral progress is called into doubt.
C.   It is easier to convince people from different cultures what is right or wrong.
D.   We could no longer say that the customs of other societies are morally inferior to our own.
Question #6
The idea that rights and wrongs are determined by one’s culture is called what?
A.   relativism 
B.   egoism
C.   morality
D.   ethics
E.   utilitarianism
Question #7
Which of the following premises is at the core of the moral perspective called Cultural Relativism
A.   Different societies have different moral codes.
B.   It is arrogant for us to judge other cultures. We should always be tolerant of them.
C.   There is no objective standard that can be used to judge one society’s code as better than another’s. There are no moral truths that hold for all people at all times.
D.   The moral code of our own society has no special sta- tus; it is but one among many.
E.   The moral code of a society determines what is right within that society; that is, if the moral code of a society says that a certain action is right, then that action is right, at least within that society.
Question #8
The Trolley Problem demonstrates the tension between which two moral concepts?
A.   Action and Inaction
B.   Consquentialism and Deontology
C.   Hedonism and Virtue
D.   Egoism and Communalism
Question #9
Which of the following is not a notable difference between Eskimo culture and the western culture of colonizers?
A.   volatile marriage
B.   male domination
C.   morally permissible infanticide
D.   disregard for the life of elders
Question #10
The study of morality is…
A.   egoism
B.   utilitarianism
C.   relativism
D.   ethics

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