MEDT 1 - Medical Terminology » Fall 2022 » Chapter 2 Suffixes Exercise 2

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Question #1
When the Kyra reports that the patient had acute cyanosis, she means:
A.   that the patient had abnormal dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
B.   that the patient had involuntary contractions of the bronchi.
C.   that the patient had an abnormal blood condition involving a decreased number of red blood cells.
D.   that the patient's lungs narrowed.
Question #2
When the EMT reports that she used medication to reduce bronchiectasis; he means:
A.   that the patient's lungs were inflamed.
B.   that the patient had an abnormal blood condition involving decreased number of red blood cells.
C.   that the patient had dilation of the bronchi.
D.   that the patient had abnormal dark blue or purple discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes.
Question #3
The EMT reports that the patient is recovering from pneumonia. What does the suffix "-ia" mean?
A.   Constriction
B.   Enlargement
C.   Condition
D.   Softening of
Question #4
The suffix "-osis" in cyanosis means:
A.   enlarged.
B.   abnormal.
C.   disease.
D.   contagious.

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