MEDT 1 - Medical Terminology » Fall 2022 » Chapter 3 Prefixes Exercise 1

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Question #1
The patient reports she had trouble with diplopia, which means:
A.   she had a lazy eye.
B.   she had blurred vision in both eyes.
C.   she had pain in both eyes.
D.   she had double vision.
Question #2
When the patient talks about a contraceptive, she's talking about a medication that:
A.   prevents conception.
B.   promotes conception.
C.   prevents contractions.
D.   promotes contractions.
Question #3
When the patient says her mother had dystocia, it means:
A.   difficult childbirth.
B.   poor vision.
C.   normal childbirth.
D.   normal pregnancy.
Question #4
What medical term was used to describe a patient who has had multiple pregnancies?
A.   Prenatal
B.   Postnatal
C.   Perinatal
D.   Multigravida

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