Geol 107: Geology Goes to Holywood » Fall 2019 » The Day the Mesozoic Died Movie Quiz
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Question #1
If the rocks outside of Gubbio, Italy used to be at the bottom of an ocean, how are they now part of a mountain?
sea level in the Cretaceous was lower than it is today
the rocks were underwater due to a massive flood
Tectonic forces uplifted the land.
Question #2
What are the differences scientists saw in the foraminifera found in rock layers above (after) and below (before) the K-T boundary?
Below the K-T boundary, foraminifera fossils were smaller and less diverse.
Below the K-T boundary, foraminifera fossils were larger and more diverse.
There was no change above and below the K-T boundary.
Question #3
How could an asteroid impact kill off so many different species?
Both Debris from the impact orbiting around the Earth shields sunlight, halting photosynthesis and; The impact was so extreme that life at ground zero was vaporized are possible impacts
Tsunamis, landslides, and earthquakes caused by the impact killed organisms near the site of impact.
The impact was so extreme that life at ground zero was vaporized.
Debris from the impact orbiting around the Earth shields sunlight, halting photosynthesis.
Debris from the impact orbiting around the Earth shields sunlight, halting photosynthesis; Tsunamis, landslides, and earthquakes caused by the impact killed organisms near the site of impact, and; The impact was so extreme that life at ground zero was vaporized are all possible impacts
Question #4
What did Dr. Carroll mean at the end of the film when he said, "It is not always the survival of the fittest; sometimes it is the survival of the luckiest?"
Mammals were lucky enough to inhabit continents far away from the impact site.
Mammals were lucky because the ejecta from the impact hit dinosaurs not smaller mammals.
Mammals were not necessarily more fit than dinosaurs; they just happened to occupy ecological niches that allowed some species to survive harsh, post-impact conditions.
Question #5
Which of the following pieces of evidence prompted researchers to abandon the hypothesis that a supernova caused the high levels of iridium in the K-T layer?
Lack of an isotope of plutonium in the K-T boundary layer
Coarse sediment mixed with uniform Cretaceous mud in Texas
High levels of iridium in the K-T boundary layer
Differences in foraminifera fossils above and below the K-T boundary layer
Question #6
The entire scientific community accepted the asteroid hypothesis after Dr. Alvarez published his paper showing high iridium levels at the K-T boundary.
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