Psychology 2070 - Human Growth and Development » Fall 2022 » Quiz 1

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Question #1
The developmental period, when one is an infant, adolescent, or middle-aged person, refers to
A.   a historical circumstance common to people of a particular generation.
B.   a time frame in a person's life that is characterized by certain features.
C.   a time frame in which a person experiences maximum change.
D.   a time frame in a nation's history that is characterized by rapid development.
Question #2
Flevy, a marketing researcher, is conducting an extensive market study and has hired a big group of college students to hand out a standard set of questions to shoppers at malls and supermarkets and to seek their responses. Which of the following methods of data collection is Flevy using?
A.   physiological measures
B.   surveys
C.   naturalistic observation
D.   laboratory research
Question #3
According to a study that analyzed the exposure to six stressors among poor children and middle-income children in the United States, which of the following is a difference between children in poor families and children in middle-income families?
A.   Unlike children in middle-income families, children in poor families were much more likely to be exposed to violence.
B.   Unlike children in middle-income families, children in poor families were much less likely to be exposed to family turmoil.
C.   Unlike children in poor families, children in middle-income families were much less likely to have a peaceful home.
D.   Unlike children in poor families, children in middle-income families were much more likely to separate from a parent.
Question #4
According to Paul Baltes's life-span perspective, which of the following is true of contexts?
A.   They are influenced by genetic factors.
B.   They refer to the capacity for change.
C.   They have a biological impact on development.
D.   They remain constant over time.
Question #5
Identify the correct sequence of the five stages of psychosexual development described in Freud's theory of development.
A.   oral, anal, phallic, latency, and genital
B.   anal, genital, oral, phallic, and latency
C.   genital, oral, anal, phallic, and latency
D.   oral, phallic, anal, latency, and genital
Question #6
The concept of discontinuity is characterized by
A.   qualitative change.
B.   measured change.
C.   quantitative change.
D.   collective change.
Question #7
Travis spends a great deal of time working and trying to establish his career. He is also wondering if he should move in with his girlfriend and about their long-term prospects. Travis is most likely in the ________ period of development.
A.   middle adulthood
B.   early adulthood
C.   late adolescence
D.   late adulthood
Question #8
The ________ approach to the study of development emphasizes extensive change from birth to adolescence, especially during infancy, little or no change in adulthood, and decline in old age.
A.   constructivist
B.   prescriptive
C.   traditional
D.   evolutionary
Question #9
B. F. Skinner, a behaviorist, would argue that the most important things that shape development are ________.
A.   unconscious motivations
B.   rewards and punishments
C.   thoughts and feelings
D.   culture and society
Question #10
The question of whether a fun-loving, carefree adolescent is bound to have difficulty holding down a 9-to-5 job as an adult most likely reflects the
A.   continuity-discontinuity issue.
B.   nature-nurture issue.
C.   stability-change issue.
D.   epigenetic view.
Question #11
Brittany is preoccupied with the pursuit of independence and identity and is spending more time with friends and less with family. Her thoughts are more logical, abstract, and idealistic. She is also experiencing rapid physical changes such as gaining height and weight. Which of the following periods of development is Brittany most likely in?
A.   late adulthood
B.   late childhood
C.   adolescence
D.   middle childhood
Question #12
Two-year-old Julia is learning to talk, and her parents would say that her favorite word is "no." This would be considered normal for a child in Erik Erikson's life-span stage of
A.   autonomy versus shame and doubt.
B.   intimacy versus isolation.
C.   trust versus mistrust.
D.   initiative versus guilt.
Question #13
Vygotsky's theory emphasizes how ________ guides cognitive development.
A.   the unconscious mind
B.   biology
C.   culture and social interaction
D.   genetic makeup
Question #14
Jessica spends a lot of time thinking about the choices she has made in her life and the events she has witnessed. She is adjusting to decreasing strength and health, and she has made several lifestyle changes as a result. Jessica is most likely in the ________ period of development.
A.   adolescence
B.   late adulthood
C.   early adulthood
D.   middle adulthood
Question #15
Which of the following is true of the period of development known as late adulthood?
A.   It involves rapid physical changes and the development of sexual characteristics.
B.   It is a time of establishing economic independence and advancĀ­ing in a career.
C.   It begins in the early 20s and lasts through the 30s.
D.   It is a time of life review, retirement, and adjustment to new social roles.
Question #16
In the continuity-discontinuity issue in development, continuity refers to ________, while discontinuity implies ________.
A.   gradual change; distinct stages
B.   qualitative change; quantitative change
C.   abrupt change; stability
D.   discrete stages; gradations
Question #17
Jenny is 4 years old. She becomes self-sufficient and develops school readiness skills. In this scenario, identify the developmental period that Jenny is most likely in.
A.   infancy
B.   prenatal period
C.   late childhood
D.   early childhood
Question #18
Which of the following is a characteristic of the developmental period known as early childhood?
A.   formal exposure to the larger world
B.   extreme dependency on adults
C.   development of sexual characteristics
D.   development of school readiness skills
Question #19
The connection across biological, cognitive, and socioemotional processes is most obvious in the two rapidly emerging fields of
A.   developmental cognitive biology and developmental cognitive biology.
B.   developmental socioemotional pharmacology and developmental biological pharmacology.
C.   developmental biological neuroscience and developmental social neuroscience.
D.   developmental cognitive neuroscience and developmental social neuroscience.
Question #20
________ processes involve changes in the individual's relationships with other people, changes in emotions, and changes in personality.
A.   Socioemotional
B.   Biological
C.   Polycentric
D.   Cognitive
Question #21
Changes in motor skills, nutrition, exercise, the hormonal changes of puberty, and cardiovascular decline are all examples of ________ processes that affect development.
A.   cultural
B.   cognitive
C.   socioemotional
D.   biological
Question #22
________ age is an individual's adaptive capacities compared with those of other individuals of the same chronological age.
A.   Biological
B.   Social
C.   Physical
D.   Psychological
Question #23
________ encompasses the behavior patterns, beliefs, and all other products of a particular group of people that are passed on from generation to generation.
A.   Culture
B.   Phenotype
C.   Genotype
D.   Ethnocentricity
Question #24
Nellie, three, bangs her head against the wall repeatedly throughout the day. How could Skinner's concept of operant conditioning be applied to address this behavior?
A.   test Nellie to determine her current level of cognitive functioning
B.   explore experiences from Nellie's early childhood and address them in therapy
C.   investigate her psychosocial environment and eliminate stressors
D.   reward Nellie when she does not bang her head and punish the head-banging behavior
Question #25
A researcher is interested in the effect of exercise on stamina in elderly patients. The patients are randomly assigned to be in a high-exercise or low-exercise training program for eight weeks. At the end of the program, their stamina is measured by seeing how long they can walk comfortably on a treadmill. In this study, the dependent variable is
A.   the exercise program (high versus low).
B.   the number of minutes on the treadmill.
C.   the number of elderly patients.
D.   the eight-week duration of the exercise program.
Question #26
Sandrine is now able to use abstract thought as well as logic; Piaget would argue that she is in the ________ stage of development.
A.   preoperational
B.   concrete operational
C.   conceptual operational
D.   formal operational
Question #27
Psychologists, sociologists, anthropologists, neuroscientists, and medical researchers all share an interest in unlocking the mysteries of development through the life span. This indicates how development is
A.   multidisciplinary.
B.   plastic.
C.   multidimensional.
D.   multidirectional.
Question #28
Which of the following statements is true of chronological age?
A.   It has become a less accurate predictor of life events in American society when compared with other conceptions of age.
B.   It is determined by knowing the functional capacities of a person's vital organs, which may be better or worse than those of other people of comparable age.
C.   It refers to connectedness with others and the social roles individuals adopt.
D.   It is the sole component of the overall age profile of an individual from the life-span perspective.

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