Philosophy 1330 - Ethics » Fall 2022 » Week 5 Quiz Utilitarianism and the Experience Machine

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Question #1
Bentham believed the Principle of _____________, is the core principle of morality.
A.   Justice
B.   Duty
C.   Care
D.   Utility
Question #2
Which Scottish philosopher and economist became the leading proponent of utilitarianism?
A.   Francis Hutcheson
B.   John Stuart Mill
C.   David Hume
D.   Adam Smith
Question #3
Utilitarianism is a form of hedonism.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #4
Which of the following is NOT a consequentialist normative ethical theory.
A.   Hedonism
B.   Natural Law
C.   Ethical Egoism
D.   Utilitarianism
Question #5
According to the doctrine of ______________, animal interests morally less important than human interests.
A.   hedonism
B.   Speciesim
C.   nihilism
D.   sentientism
Question #6
According to the doctrine of ___________________ utilitarianism, the morality of an action depends on its consequences of creating greater or lesser happiness for all individuals.
A.   classical
B.   nihilism
C.   hedonism
D.   sentientism
Question #7
According to _________ utilitarianism, actions are moral according to whether they abide by rules that promote the greatest happiness for the greatest amount of people.
A.   law
B.   duty
C.   rule
Question #8
Which of the following is ignored by act utilitarianism?
A.   Pleasure
B.   Happiness
C.   Animals
D.   Justice
Question #9
In the essay we read this week, the author, Prabhpal Singh, argues for what?
A.   That the psychological hedonism thesis is false while ethical hedonism is true.
B.   That the theses psychological hedonism and ethical hedonism are both false.
C.   That the theses psychological hedonism and ethical hedonism are both true.
D.   That the psychological hedonism thesis is true while ethical hedonism is false.
Question #10
According to the Value _______________________ view, which is the opposing view of ethical hedonism, there is a variety of distinct values that each contribute to a happy life.
A.   classical
B.   hedonism
C.   Speciesim
D.   Pluralist

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