Art 305 - Art and Mass Culture » Fall 2022 » Chapter Four Quiz

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Question #1
Caravaggio's dramatic shifting of the vanishing point, light and position of main characters brought the viewer into
A.   the scene with emotional void.
B.   the scene with boldness and psychological connection.
C.   the scene with psychological distance.
D.   none of these answers.
Question #2
The work of Italian Baroque artists Bernini, Caravaggio and Gentileschi was characterized by
A.   a focus on religious imagery.
B.   All of these answers
C.   emotional intensity.
D.   dramatic contrast between light and dark.
Question #3
French absolutist monarch Louis XIV endeavored to shift the mythic base of culture from
A.   God to Science
B.   All of these answers
C.   God to Humanist Naturalism
D.   God to King
Question #4
The "Camera Obscura" refers to
A.   box with a small hole through which an image can be projected and traced.
B.   an obscure object that used a box, a small hole and plastic film.
C.   a photographic process for developing film
Question #5
French painter Jacques Louis David
A.   was famous before the revolution for paintings like "Oath of the Horatii"
B.   All of these answers
C.   directed the French Revolution's search for new icons for the state.
D.   None of these answers
E.   created idealized images of Napoleon.
Question #6
The function(s) of the French Royal Academy of Fine Arts was/were
A.   all of these answer
B.   to use painting as propaganda for the monarch's version of history
C.   to establish and maintain artistic standards
D.   to develop a complex curriculum based on a rationalistic philosophy
E.   none of these answer
Question #7
Artemisia Gentileschi was
A.   the first woman to join the Academy in Florence
B.   None of these answers
C.   the real name of Marie Antoinette
D.   the woman who sat for the Mona Lisa
Question #8
Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun was
A.   the real name of Marie Antoinette
B.   the woman who sat for the Mona Lisa
C.   the most celebrated woman artist of her time
D.   none of these answers
Question #9
The Baroque period was characterized by
A.   None of these answers
B.   Protestantism and capitalism in Northern Europe
C.   remarkable scientific advances
D.   All of these answers
E.   the Counter Reformation and absolutist monarchs in Southern Europe
Question #10
Spanish artist Diego Velazquez is famed for, among other things
A.   his multi-media portrayal of "Santa Teresa in Ecstasy"
B.   his dramatic depiction of Judith with the head of Holofernes
C.   the depiction of light and reflection in his masterwork "Las Meninas"

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