History 111 - The Women in America » Fall 2022 » RQ 5

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Question #1
Why were Rosie the Riveters crucial to the war effort?
A.   Rosie the Riveters were paid on a government subsidy and their actual contribution to WWII has been overestimated since only 5,000 women worked as Rosies.
B.   Rosie the Riveters created a new way of riveting tanks during WWII, which is a method that is still used is military construction today.
C.   Rosie the Riveters looked good and could strike a pose, which made men fight harder in WWII.
D.   Rosie the Riveters were the industrialized workforce during WWII who made the goods to win the war, such as planes.
Question #2
Why does Paul think the ERA was so necessary?
A.   Alice Paul believes the ERA was necessary because Mary Van Kleeck was right.
B.   Alice Paul believes the ERA was necessary because she believed in the federal prohibition of alcohol following the 18th Amendment in 1919.
C.   Alice Paul believes the ERA was necessary since the 19th Amendment was overturned in 1921.
D.   Alice Paul believes that the ERA would provide permanent and long-lasting legal changes since equality would be a constitutionally-protected right.
Question #3
Which choice has the correct definition of the Harlem Renaissance and the correct name of a woman who participated in it?
A.   It was a club and trance movement in Harlem. Lizzo participated in it.
B.   It was a consumer culture movement. Bessie Smith participated in it.
C.   It was a major cultural movement of black authors and artists who sought to articulate a distinct black contribution to American culture. Zora Neale Hurston participated in it.
D.   It was an attempt to go back to the religious ways of the European Renaissance. Jessie Fauset participated in it.
Question #4
Why does Kleeck think the ERA would be so damaging?
A.   Mary Van Kleeck believes that the political climate in the US made Americans weary of Prohibition.
B.   Mary Van Kleeck believes that women are natural leaders who don't need to make any gains or have any legally protected rights at all.
C.   Mary Van Kleeck believes that Alice Paul is right and that the ERA would only take a few years to pass.
D.   Mary Van Kleeck believes that there are already laws that protect women, such as mothers' pensions, and the ERA would take away those protections. She also believes all sex-prejudice beyond the reach of the law would be unaffected by the ERA.
Question #5
Which choice has the correct definition of the (first) “Red Scare?"
A.   The Red Scare is when police used intimidation to enforce alcohol consumption in the United States during Prohibition.
B.   The Red Scare is when Vogue said the color was no longer in style.
C.   The Red Scare is the name historians gave to the Boston Riots of 1919.
D.   The Red Scare is when Americans succumbed to a hysteria in which they believed communists where hiding everywhere in the US and plotting a revolution to topple the US government.

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