Com 1090 - Interpersonal Communication » Fall 2022 » Ch. 1 Quiz

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Question #1
We disclose more to people in interpersonal relationships than in impersonal ones.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #2
Just as judges instruct juries to disregard some statements made in court, we can reverse or erase the effects of communication interactions in everyday life.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #3
How does the transactional model of communication differ from the linear model?
A.   The transactional model does not consider noise to be an important part of communication.
B.   The transactional model considers communication as something that a sender does to a receiver.
C.   The transactional model interprets communication as happening simultaneously between speakers rather than in a unidirectional manner.
D.   The transactional model describes communication as a message that is encoded by a sender and channeled to a receiver in a back-and-forth manner.
Question #4
Communication is used to satisfy instrumental (or practical) goals, which means ________________
A.   creating rewarding interpersonal relationships.
B.   getting people to behave the way we want them to.
C.   establishing our social roles and identities.
D.   improving impersonal interactions.
Question #5
Which is an example of “noise” as the term is defined in your text?
A.   someone tapping a pencil while you’re trying to study.
B.   a headache that interferes with you listening.
C.   feelings of anger directed toward a partner.
D.   All of these
E.   preoccupation with another topic during a lecture.

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