Psychology 2070 - Human Growth and Development » Fall 2022 » Quiz 6

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Question #1
According to Erik Erikson, which of the following developmental stages is experienced by an individual during adolescence?
A.   identity versus identity confusion
B.   intimacy versus isolation
C.   initiative versus guilt
D.   autonomy versus shame and doubt
Question #2
A cross-cultural comparison of 21 countries done by Sedgh and others (2015) showed that _____ had the lowest adolescent pregnancy rate among 15- to 19-year-olds.
A.   the United States
B.   Switzerland
C.   the United Kingdom
D.   Japan
Question #3
Based on the age of onset, when is anorexia nervosa most likely to begin?
A.   childhood
B.   emerging adulthood
C.   late adulthood
D.   early to middle adolescent years
Question #4
Which theorist proposed the "storm-and-stress" view that adolescence is a turbulent time charged with conflict and mood swings?
A.   Anna Freud
B.   G. Stanley Hall
C.   Jean Piaget
D.   Daniel Offer
Question #5
The average U.S. high school dropout rates mask some very high dropout rates
A.   in low-income areas of inner cities.
B.   in high-income areas of the suburbs.
C.   among adolescents in the 13- to 15-year age group.
D.   among Asian American adolescents.
Question #6
Adolescent use of alcohol has recently shown a(n)
A.   mild increase.
B.   insignificant change.
C.   significant increase.
D.   sizeable decline.
Question #7
Ethnic _____ is an enduring aspect of the self that includes a sense of membership in an ethnic group, along with the attitudes and feelings related to that membership.
A.   identity
B.   pride
C.   gloss
D.   awareness
Question #8
Most adolescents from ethnic minority groups develop a(n) _____ identity.
A.   additive
B.   bicultural
C.   monocultural
D.   multiplicative
Question #9
James Marcia defines _____ as a period of identity development during which an individual is exploring alternatives.
A.   conscientiousness
B.   commitment
C.   crisis
D.   calling
Question #10
Which of the following is one of the main characteristics of people suffering from anorexia nervosa?
A.   a distorted image of their body shape
B.   higher than average body weight
C.   a constant need to consume food
D.   higher than average height
Question #11
Adolescents who do not successfully resolve their identity crisis suffer from what Erikson calls _____.
A.   identity diffusion
B.   unresolved identity
C.   identity moratorium
D.   identity confusion
Question #12
Based on the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, adding up the daily media use figures to obtain weekly media use leads to almost _____ hours a week by 15- to 18-year-olds.
A.   56
B.   84
C.   75
D.   68
Question #13
Based on the 2009 Kaiser Family Foundation survey, adding up the daily media use figures to obtain weekly media use leads to the staggering levels of more than _____ hours a week of media use by 11- to 14-year-olds.
A.   100
B.   40
C.   60
D.   20
Question #14
Nancy was not able to decide whether she should major in music or take up an undergraduate program in engineering. After significant exploration of both options, she finally chose the latter, with a minor in music. Identify Nancy's status of identity.
A.   identity diffusion
B.   identity foreclosure
C.   identity moratorium
D.   identity achievement
Question #15
Several research studies were conducted by Mary Carskadon and her colleagues on the sleep patterns of U.S. adolescents. They concluded from the studies that
A.   older adolescents tend to be sleepier during the day than younger adolescents.
B.   adolescents being sleepy during the day was a result of academic work and social pressures.
C.   early school starting times are conducive to the sleep patterns of older adolescents but not to those of younger adolescents.
D.   when given the opportunity, adolescents will sleep an average of 7 hours a night.
Question #16
Thirteen-year-old Grace's blood tests indicate that her levels of testosterone are about twice as high as they were a few years ago and that her estradiol levels are about eight times higher than earlier. This indicates that Grace is most likely to
A.   develop abnormal male physical characteristics.
B.   be depressed and show extreme behavior.
C.   develop abnormal female physical characteristics.
D.   undergo normal pubertal changes.
Question #17
Identify a strategy that can help prevent students from dropping out of school.
A.   enrolling the students only in a community-based education and reducing parental monitoring
B.   using rotation model for the students in high school
C.   facilitating and emphasizing peer learning
D.   providing early intervention for reading problems, tutoring, counseling, and mentoring
Question #18
According to a 2010 survey, which of the following is the main way that adolescents connect with their friends?
A.   e-mail
B.   instant messaging
C.   text messaging
D.   phone calls
Question #19
The four problems that affect most adolescents are drug abuse, sexual problems, school-related problems, and
A.   family problems.
B.   juvenile delinquency.
C.   career choice dilemmas.
D.   peer-related problems.
Question #20
Bill wants to know how he can prevent his adolescent son from becoming a drug addict. You would suggest that Bill
A.   engage in less parental monitoring and control.
B.   have family dinners most nights of the week.
C.   cease to emphasize educational success.
D.   discourage his son from making more friends at school.
Question #21
Puberty refers to a period of
A.   rapid physical maturation involving hormonal and bodily changes that occur primarily during early adolescence.
B.   rapid psychological and emotional maturation that lasts through adolescence and is a product of enhanced cognitive development.
C.   declining gross motor development during late childhood due to the maturation of the temporal and parietal lobes.
D.   declining abstract thought and emotional maturation during late adolescence involving neural and synaptic development in the brain.
Question #22
The majority of unintentional injuries in adolescence involve
A.   homicide.
B.   firearms.
C.   motor vehicle accidents.
D.   sports-related injuries.
Question #23
Which of the following is the term that most researchers use to describe crisis?
A.   moratorium
B.   exploration
C.   foreclosure
D.   commitment
Question #24
Based on the results of the national surveys conducted in 2009 that were funded by the Kaiser Family Foundation, identify a true statement about media use and screen time in adolescents' lives.
A.   Eight- to eleven-year-olds used media an average of 8 hours and 40 minutes a day.
B.   The largest increases in media use in early adolescence involved listening to music.
C.   Media use jumps more than 3 hours in early adolescence.
D.   Adolescents seldom engage in media multitasking.
Question #25
Almost half of all deaths from 15 to 24 years of age are due to _____, with the majority of them involving _____.
A.   a chronic disease; cancer
B.   homicide; gang activity
C.   suicide; alcohol
D.   unintentional injuries; motor vehicle accidents
Question #26
_____ are powerful chemical substances secreted by the endocrine glands and carried through the body by the bloodstream.
A.   Carbohydrates
B.   Phospholipids
C.   Hormones
D.   Neurotransmitters
Question #27
The double disadvantage suffered by ethnic minority adolescents includes
A.   the lack of clear rites of passage.
B.   prejudice and poverty.
C.   hostility and assimilation.
D.   diversity and difference.
Question #28
Anorexia nervosa and bulimia nervosa affect
A.   men and women equally.
B.   women more than men.
C.   women more than older men but less than younger men.
D.   men more than women.

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