Com 1090 - Interpersonal Communication » Fall 2022 » Ch. 9 Quiz

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Question #1
The strategy where communicators respond to one end of the dialectical spectrum and ignore the other is
A.   denial.
B.   disorientation.
C.   segmentation.
D.   alternation.
Question #2
Almost every message has
A.   both a content and a relational dimension.
B.   content dimension.
C.   relational dimension.
D.   an unintentional message.
Question #3
Talking the most, interrupting the other person, and changing the topic most often are all common indicators of
A.   context control.
B.   powerful control.
C.   decision control.
D.   conversation control.
Question #4
The term used to describe messages that people exchange, verbally or nonverbally, about their relationship is
A.   microcommunication.
B.   conversation.
C.   metacommunication.
D.   discourse.
Question #5
Of the following, what is not a category of relational transgressions?
A.   open vs. private
B.   deliberate vs. unintentional
C.   one-time vs. incremental
D.   social vs. relational

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