Political Science 101 - Introduction to American Government and Politics » Fall 2022 » Lecture 4 Ideology
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Question #1
Flawed social structures can give rise to flawed beliefs
Question #2
Why are ideological beliefs difficult to rationally update?
a desire for normalcy, challenges to beliefs may feel like an attack on one's universe, beliefs are connected to social identity, and beliefs are not hard to update
a desire for normalcy, challenges to beliefs may feel like an attack on one's universe, beliefs are not hard to update, and beliefs are tied to our experience and expectations of social convention
a desire for normalcy, beliefs are not hard to update, beliefs are connected to social identity, and beliefs are tied to our experience and expectations of social convention
a desire for normalcy, challenges to beliefs may feel like an attack on one's universe, beliefs are connected to social identity, and beliefs are tied to our experience and expectations of social convention
Question #3
What is true of myths?
aid group Cohension, legitimate a complex social world, aid identity formation, easily recognized as false, and myth making is how elites create nations
aid group Cohension, legitimate a complex social world, easily recognized as false, can impact behavior as people will act as the myth is true, and myth making is how elites create nations
aid group Cohension, legitimate a complex social world, aid identity formation, can impact behavior as people will act as the myth is true, and myth making is how elites create nations
easily recognized as false, legitimate a complex social world, aid identity formation, can impact behavior as people will act as the myth is true, and myth making is how elites create nations
Question #4
A key element of Burke's conservatism is maintenance of existing hierarchies?
Question #5
What is true of Neoliberalism?
freedom is conceived as choice in how one spends their money, greater freedom for the public, response to fears of excess democracy resulting from movements in 1960's and early 1970's, and Ronald Reagan, Hilliary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are neoliberals
freedom is conceived as choice in how one spends their money, to goal is to transfer as much economic resources and political power to econonmic elites, response to fears of excess democracy resulting from movements in 1960's and early 1970's, and political parties are more responsive to the public
freedom is conceived as choice in how one spends their money, to goal is to transfer as much economic resources and political power to econonmic elites, response to fears of excess democracy resulting from movements in 1960's and early 1970's, and Ronald Reagan, Hilliary Clinton, Bill Clinton, and Barack Obama are neoliberals
greater freedom for the public and political parties are more responsive to the public
Question #6
What are the four faces of power?
religion and voting
agenda control, issue, bio-political, and manipulation (of beliefs)
agenda control, religion, bio-political, and manipulation (of beliefs)
agenda control, issue, voting, and manipulation (of beliefs)
Question #7
According to Zizek (in the film clip) we can trust our spontaneous desire for well-being to lead us to an accurate understanding of the social world?
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