Com 1090 - Interpersonal Communication » Fall 2022 » Ch. 12 Quiz

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Question #1
A conflict can exist only when both parties are aware of a disagreement.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #2
One key to the win-win approach to conflict resolution is to look for the single best solution at the beginning of your conversation.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #3
Direct aggression is described as physical attacks and swearing, but does not include teasing or nonverbal gestures.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #4
An avoiding conflict style reflects the belief that there is no good way to resolve the conflict at hand.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #5
Compromise is considered a win-win conflict style because each person gets at least some of what they want.
A.   True
B.   False

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