Psychology 2070 - Human Growth and Development » Fall 2022 » Quiz 9

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Question #1
Researchers have found that relationships between aging parents and their children are characterized by
A.   abuse.
B.   anger.
C.   ambivalence.
D.   apathy.
Question #2
Remembering where a person went on vacation last summer is an example of _____ memory.
A.   situational
B.   episodic
C.   semantic
D.   prospective
Question #3
A recent study of older adults found that the greater the variability in their _____ attention, the more likely they were to experience falls.
A.   selective
B.   executive
C.   sustained
D.   divided
Question #4
Which of the following theories challenges the stereotype that older adults are in despair because of social isolation?
A.   socioemotional selectivity theory
B.   disengagement theory
C.   social breakdown theory
D.   activity theory
Question #5
Which of the following is a characteristic of centenarians in the New England Centenarian Study (NECS)?
A.   Only a small percentage of centenarians have had significant changes in their thinking skills.
B.   Habitual smoking is common among centenarians.
C.   Most U.S. centenarians are likely to describe historical events, death/grief, and work/retirement events.
D.   Most of the centenarians are obese.
Question #6
Which of the following is the region of the adult human brain where neurogenesis has been documented?
A.   hippocampus
B.   prefrontal cortex
C.   amygdala
D.   hypothalamus
Question #7
Gina is doing her best to help her older aunt take care of herself and stay in her own home. Gina often takes meals to her aunt and helps her clean, go shopping, and make visits to the doctor. Gina is providing _____ for her aunt.
A.   emergency care
B.   hospice care
C.   eldercare
D.   home care service
Question #8
Severe reductions in the production of dopamine have been linked with
A.   Parkinson disease.
B.   brain cancer.
C.   Alzheimer disease.
D.   dementia other than Alzheimer disease.
Question #9
Which of the following is true of socioemotional selectivity theory?
A.   It emphasizes that the trajectory of motivation for knowledge-related goals declines in adolescence and early adulthood and then peaks during middle and late adulthood.
B.   It challenges the stereotype that the majority of older adults are in emotional despair because of their social isolation.
C.   It states that adults become less selective about their social networks as they grow older.
D.   It was proposed by Paul Baltes and his colleagues.
Question #10
In the United States, the concern about whether the young should be required to pay for the old has especially increased with the enactment of the government's _____.
A.   Patient Self-Determination Act
B.   Pure Food and Drug Act
C.   Affordable Care Act
D.   Patients Act
Question #11
Helen's knowledge of calculus and statistics is part of her _____ memory.
A.   prospective
B.   semantic
C.   episodic
D.   implicit
Question #12
Which of the following is true of divorce or remarriage in older adults?
A.   Divorce is far less common among younger adults than older adults.
B.   The majority of divorced older adults are men, due to their greater longevity.
C.   Women are more likely than men to remarry, thus removing themselves from the pool of divorced older adults.
D.   Rising divorce rates, increased longevity, and better health have led to an increase in remarriage among older adults.
Question #13
Which of the following is a biological theory explaining aging?
A.   reverse neurogenesis theory
B.   mitochondrial theory
C.   attachment theory
D.   two-factor theory
Question #14
The retention of information about the details of life's happenings is called _____ memory.
A.   episodic
B.   semantic
C.   prospective
D.   source
Question #15
Which of the following is true of implicit memory?
A.   It involves skills and routine procedures that are performed automatically.
B.   It is memory of facts and experiences that individuals consciously know and can state.
C.   It is also known as declarative memory.
D.   It is more likely to be adversely affected by aging than explicit memory is.
Question #16
A person's knowledge about the world is called _____ memory.
A.   functional
B.   schematic
C.   semantic
D.   normative
Question #17
In order to maintain his status as an admired pianist, the late Arthur Rubinstein during his old age used special strategies, such as slowing down before fast segments, thus creating a perception of faster playing. Which factor of Baltes's theory does this reflect?
A.   compensation
B.   selection
C.   optimization
D.   organization
Question #18
Which of the following is true of the influence of education on the cognitive functioning of older adults?
A.   Educational experiences have no impact or are negatively correlated with scores on intelligence tests and information-processing tasks.
B.   Today's older adults were less likely to go to college when they were young adults than were their parents or grandparents.
C.   For older adults with less education, frequently engaging in cognitive activities improve their episodic memory.
D.   Fewer older adults are returning to college today to further their education than in past generations.
Question #19
Why does night driving become especially difficult in late adulthood?
A.   because of diminishing sensitivity to contrasts and reduced tolerance for glare
B.   because of the expanding area of the visual field
C.   because of increased tolerance for glare and increased sensitivity to contrasts
D.   because of the decline in color vision
Question #20
According to Paul Baltes and his colleagues, which of the following is an effective selection strategy?
A.   Persevere and keep trying until you reach your goal.
B.   When things do not go the way they used to, search for other ways to achieve what you want.
C.   Focus on the most important goal at a particular time.
D.   If things don't go well for you, be willing to let others help you.
Question #21
Studies on the Big Five factors of personality found that transition into late adulthood was characterized by increases in the aspects of impulse control, reliability, and conventionality. To which Big Five personality factor do these aspects belong?
A.   neuroticism
B.   conscientiousness
C.   agreeableness
D.   openness to experience
Question #22
According to socioemotional selectivity theory, when does the emotional trajectory increase?
A.   in late adulthood
B.   in middle childhood
C.   in adolescence
D.   in early adulthood
Question #23
Which of the following biological reasons explains women's increased resistance to infections and degenerative diseases?
A.   better osmoregulation and lower trans fat
B.   lower cholesterol levels and improved lung function
C.   postmenopausal hormone levels and increased body water
D.   estrogen production and the additional X chromosome
Question #24
According to a study by Coleman that compared the brains of adults at various ages, from the 40s through the 70s, the
A.   number of neurons increased.
B.   growth of dendrites increased.
C.   growth of dendrites decreased.
D.   number of axons increased.
Question #25
Alice, Jane, Lois, and Sandra have been friends since grade school. Over the years, they have supported each other and shared in each other's joys and sadness. Which model of social relations does this scenario represent?
A.   the longitudinal model
B.   the convoy model
C.   the cohort model
D.   the network model
Question #26
Now that Benita is in late adulthood, socioemotional selectivity theory predicts that she will
A.   emotionally invest in peripheral relationships.
B.   spend most of her time with familiar friends.
C.   continue to actively make new friends.
D.   become more socially withdrawn as she prepares for death.

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