Child Development 155- Children with Disabilities » Fall 2022 » Final Exam

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Question #1
According to a summary of over 50 studies, who benefits from inclusion?
A.   Only the children without disabilities.
B.   No one benefits from inclusion.
C.   Children with and without disabilities
D.   Only the children with disabilities.
Question #2
All of the following can be disadvantages to the one-to-one paraprofessional inclusion model except:
A.   the paraprofessional can increase the child's independence skills by limiting the amount of direct instruction.
B.   the paraprofessional could actually interfere with the child's ability to develop friendships and social skills.
C.   the paraprofessional might not have direct and supportive supervision.
D.   the child can develop an extreme dependency upon the paraprofessional.
Question #3
Which of the following universal instructional strategies would provide the best learning potential for children with mild to moderate speech and language impairment?
A.   identify high-preference activities
B.   prevent challenging behaviors
C.   implement adult communicative strategies
D.   repeat art activities frequently
Question #4
Children with limited speech skills must be motivated to communicate. Which of the following are examples of the adult strategy of creating the need to verbally communicate?
A.   A teacher stops pushing a child on the swing. When he starts to rock forward and back, she says, "What do you want?" A child points to his runny nose and the teacher says, "Do you need something?"
B.   A child points to the milk and the teacher gives it to him. A teacher sees a child reaching for a toy on a high shelf and goes over and gets it for him.
C.   Child pulls on the teacher's leg and she picks him up. A child points to the milk and the teacher gives it to him
D.   A teacher sees a child reaching for a toy on a high shelf and goes over and gets it for him. Child pulls on the teacher's leg and she picks him up.
Question #5
A sensorineural hearing loss can often be improved through surgery, medications, or antibiotics.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #6
Children who are non-ambulatory need the assistance of a device such as a wheelchair or walker to move around.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #7
Children who exhibit which characteristic might benefit from having a small, quiet area where they can take a break from the busyness and noise level of the classroom?
A.   speech and language delays
B.   gross and fine motor difficulties
C.   loss of vision
D.   sensory integration difficulties
Question #8
Creating a library/reading area that contains large books with added texture would help to support children with which disability?
A.   cerebral palsy
B.   speech and language impairment
C.   vision impairment
D.   hearing loss
Question #9
When creating and selecting the rules and expectations for a classroom, a teacher should consider which of the following?
A.   using the words no and don't frequently, stating rules in the negative instead of the positive
B.   making sure to tell the child what to do, using the words no and don't frequently, stating rules in the negative instead of the positive
C.   stating rules in the negative instead of the positive
D.   keeping the number of rules to a minimum, making sure to tell the child what to do, using gestures, signs, pictures, and modeling,
Question #10
The teachers in Johnny's classroom have noticed that his hitting has increased lately. After he hits, his favorite teacher places him in his lap to talk. The teachers notice that Johnny seems to enjoy this attention. This is an example of how a consequence can be a reinforcer.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #11
The IEP differs from the IFSP in which of the following ways?
A.   has broad statements related to goals and objectives, how often outcomes, goals, and objectives are updated
B.   the age of the child served, how often outcomes, goals, and objectives are updated
C.   the cost for services is more expensive, the age of the child served
D.   the family is not part of the collaborative team, has broad statements related to goals and objectives
Question #12
One of the rationales for monitoring progress for children with disabilities is to make sure that the child reaches his age level in all developmental areas.
A.   True
B.   False
Question #13
Which of the following characteristics of autism might cause a child to have difficulty during transitions?
A.   sensory overload with the noise level and dizziness, lack of understanding of social cues such as facial expression, necessity to keep things the same, difficulty understanding and following the sequence of actions
B.   lack of understanding of social cues such as facial expressions, significant gross motor delays, sensory overload with the noise level and dizziness
C.   difficulty understanding and following the sequence of actions, significant gross motor delays, necessity to keep things the same
D.   significant gross motor delays, sensory overload with the noise level and dizziness, lack of understanding of social cues such as facial expressions, necessity to keep things the same
Question #14
Jonathan, a four-year-old with Down syndrome, always leaves the table right after lunch. Consequently, teacher Suzette cleans his place up by throwing away his food and putting his dishes in the bin. Because he does not participate in this transition, he is missing out on all the following learning opportunities except:
A.   emergent literacy skills.
B.   self-help skills.
C.   independence skills.
D.   fine and gross motor skills.
Question #15
Though unstructured play is a major component of all early childhood programs, it may be very challenging for some children with disabilities.
A.   False
B.   True
Question #16
Developing a consistent happy birthday routine with play dough, where children with disabilities learn the sequence to make a cake, put candles in it, sing happy birthday, and then pretend to eat the cake, exemplifies which concept?
A.   an open-ended activity
B.   a mini-script
C.   following the child's lead
D.   cause-and-effect
Question #17
All of the following are part of the circle time supporter' s role except:
A.   assisting individual children to maintain interest.
B.   intervening after challenging behaviors happen.
C.   getting up and moving around as needed.
D.   frequently scanning the group of children
Question #18
For children who have an intellectual disability, which would be the most appropriate adaptation while singing songs?
A.   slow the pace of the song down so the child has time to respond and react
B.   use hand-under-hand approach
C.   make sure the songs have strong vibrations
D.   provide pictures with high contrast
Question #19
All of the following strategies will better assist children with disabilities to predict the sequence of activities and the flow of circle time except:
A.   remaining flexible and changing circle time activities frequently.
B.   frequently reading the children's favorite books.
C.   providing a daily classroom schedule.
D.   starting the circle time with the same cue every day.
Question #20
When introducing a new activity during circle time, all of the following suggestions can help children with disabilities develop a tolerance of novelty and unfamiliar activities except:
A.   The activity should be highly interactive.
B.   The activity should be taught as part of a completely new circle time.
C.   The activity should be developmentally appropriate.
D.   The activity should be taught with many visual supports.
Question #21
Other than fine motor skills, which of the following developmental skills could be addressed during tabletop activities?
A.   cognitive skills
B.   All of these
C.   communication skills
D.   self-help and adaptive skills
E.   school readiness skills
F.   social and emotional skills
Question #22
All of the following common characteristics of children with Down syndrome might cause challenges with tabletop activities except:
A.   delays with the development of representational skills.
B.   low muscle tone.
C.   insistence on sameness.
D.   difficulty with understanding directions.
Question #23
Which type of visual support would be the most helpful to implement the Premack principle for a child who has tactile defensiveness?
A.   classroom schedule
B.   sign language
C.   choice board
D.   first/then
Question #24
Which example would best help to enhance the development of one-to-one correspondence?
A.   asking a child to give you two blocks
B.   placing one bear on top of each block
C.   lining up blocks in the order of red, yellow, red, yellow
D.   counting blocks
Question #25
Though all areas of development are represented, which of the following are the key areas typically associated with outside play?
A.   fine motor development, social skills
B.   fine motor development, school readiness
C.   social skills, school readiness
D.   social skills, play skills, gross motor development
Question #26
Which type of teaching strategy would be best to expand play for a child with autism who gets stuck doing the same thing over and over in the sandbox?
A.   teach the child using mini scripts
B.   task analyze what the child is doing
C.   close the sandbox when he is at school
D.   encourage this repetition as it is good for children with disabilities
Question #27
Slowing down the game Ring around the Rosie for a child with a physical disability is an example of which type of EESS adaptation?
A.   enlarge
B.   enhance
C.   simplify
D.   stabilize
Question #28
What is the most important universal teaching strategy that is interwoven throughout the example of the discovery walk lesson plan? Reminder: a universal teaching strategy works for ALL children.
A.   task analysis
B.   scaffolding
C.   getting children's attention
D.   repetition and routine
Question #29
Which of the following health and nutritional concerns are associated with epilepsy (seizure disorders)?
A.   food phobias, insatiable overeating
B.   obesity, insatiable overeating
C.   food phobias, obesity
D.   poor weight gain, dental problems
Question #30
What is one common challenge associated with children with autism that can influence eating patterns?
A.   obsessively eating nonfood items
B.   increased constipation
C.   overstuffing their mouth
D.   food phobias/obsessions
Question #31
Which adaptation would provide the best amount of support for a child who is only able to use his dominant hand while feeding himself?
A.   provide a larger plate
B.   provide a plate that has a suction cup on it
C.   place the plate in a tray
D.   place a shelf liner under the child's plate
Question #32
If a teacher wants to use the backward chaining method to teach a child with a disability how to clean up after lunch, he would start with which step of the task analysis?
A.   the last step
B.   any step
C.   the first step
D.   the middle step
Question #33
Which of the following can explain why a family that has a child with a disability will have more demands placed on their time than a family that does not have a child with a disability?
A.   dealing with significant behavioral challenges, having more specialized medical services, more frequent therapy appointments, extra care needed for caregiving tasks such as sleeping and feeding
B.   working full time to afford an education for their child, having more specialized medical services, more frequent therapy appointments, extra care needed for caregiving tasks such as sleeping and feeding
C.   dealing with significant behavioral challenges, having more specialized medical services, more frequent therapy appointments, working full time to afford an education for their child
D.   dealing with significant behavioral challenges, working full time to afford an education for their child, more frequent therapy appointments, extra care needed for caregiving tasks such as sleeping and feeding
Question #34
Which type of response from the teacher shows reflective thinking if a parent says, "I am wondering if Jonathan will ever start playing with other children when I take him to the playground"?
A.   "You should be more worried about his language skills as he is not talking yet."
B.   "Don't worry about that. He'll start playing with children very soon."
C.   "It sounds like you are concerned about the development of his social skills."
D.   "I think you should go to different playgrounds to find friendlier children."
Question #35
When communicating with families, it is recommended to avoid jargon. This means that teachers should:
A.   avoid meeting with families who do not have a college education.
B.   make sure to use many acronyms during the conversation.
C.   use the technical special education terms as families will need to learn these words.
D.   give information by using terminology that is likely to be familiar and understandable.
Question #36
How should a teacher best respond to a family that has come to accept their child's special needs?
A.   help the family set new goals for themselves and their child
B.   remind the family of all the child's challenges
C.   end the relationship with the family, since they no longer need help accepting their child's special needs
D.   make referrals for assistance from a mental health professional
Question #37
Which of the following is typical of an early childhood special educator (ECSE)?
A.   She supports mainly children with moderate to severe disabilities. She provides services to children up to the age of 5.
B.   She is concerned with supporting one or two separate areas of development. She is a therapist.
C.   She is a therapist. She is concerned with supporting one or two separate areas of development.
D.   She provides services to children up to the age of 5. She views the child within the context of the family.
Question #38
The team has observed that Eric is too distracted in the classroom during his speech therapy. They all agree that it would be better for his speech-language therapist to take him to a different room to provide services. Providing services in a separate room refers to the
A.   blended model.
B.   trailing technique model.
C.   pullout model.
D.   co-teaching model.
Question #39
An occupational therapist would typically provide support and assistance for all of the following except:
A.   helping a child eat independently.
B.   helping a child learn to dress himself.
C.   helping a child learn to hold a pencil.
D.   helping a child maintain postural control.
Question #40
All of the following are necessary for the collaborative team to function optimally except:
A.   everyone's voice must be heard.
B.   team members should focus on their own concerns and agendas.
C.   everyone must understand their individual roles within the team.
D.   all members must be willing to work together.

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