HIM 1530 - Medical Terminology » Sprimg 2023 » Chapter 4 Homework

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Question #1
In the respiratory system, the __________ is found
A.   septum
B.   nose or nasal cavity
Question #2
What structure passes air into the alveoli?
A.   septum
B.   bronchiole
Question #3
The purpose of the epiglottis is to
A.   Cover the larynx during swallowing
B.   covers the larynx so that swallowed food can enter the lungs
Question #4
A substance that helps the alveoli stay open and not collapse is called _________
A.   bradypnea
B.   surfactant
Question #5
Normal rate and rhythm of breathing is called
A.   bradypnea
B.   eupnea
Question #6
A blood clot in a pulmonary arteriole or artery is called _________
A.   nasal embolism
B.   pulmonary embolism
Question #7
The term for breathing too slowly is called
A.   eupnea
B.   bradypnea
Question #8
Match the term with its definition: Cellular respiration
A.   movement of carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
B.   cells use oxygen to produce energy
C.   movement of air in and out of the lungs
D.   exchange of gases between the blood and cells
Question #9
Match the term with its definition: External respiration
A.   exchange of gases between the blood and cells
B.   movement of air in and out of the lungs
C.   cells use oxygen to produce energy
D.   movement of carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
Question #10
Match the term with its definition: ventilation
A.   exchange of gases between the blood and cells
B.   movement of air in and out of the lungs
C.   movement of carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
D.   cells use oxygen to produce energy
Question #11
Match the term with its definition: internal respiration
A.   movement of carbon dioxide from blood into alveoli
B.   exchange of gases between the blood and cells
C.   movement of air in and out of the lungs
D.   cells use oxygen to produce energy
Question #12
Match the term with its definition: Stridor
A.   harsh crowing sound
B.   snoring sounds
C.   loss of elasticity of bronchioles
D.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
Question #13
Match the term with its definition: wheezes
A.   pus in the lungs
B.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
C.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
D.   caused by a recessive gene
Question #14
Match the term with its definition: rhonchi
A.   coughing blood
B.   snoring sounds
C.   loss of elasticity of bronchioles
D.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
Question #15
Match the term with its definition: bronchiectasis
A.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
B.   caused by a recessive gene
C.   pus in the lungs
D.   loss of elasticity of bronchioles
Question #16
Match the term with its definition: bronchospasm
A.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
B.   snoring sounds
C.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
D.   harsh crowing sound
Question #17
Match the term with its definition: empyema
A.   coughing blood
B.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
C.   pus in the lungs
D.   harsh crowing sound
Question #18
Match the term with its definition: cystic fibrosis
A.   caused by inhaling coal dust
B.   caused by a recessive gene
C.   a plug that occludes
D.   arising from the bronchus
Question #19
Match the term with its definition: bronchogenic
A.   pus in the lungs
B.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
C.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
D.   arising from the bronchus
Question #20
Match the term with its definition: anthracosis
A.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
B.   pus in the lungs
C.   loss of elasticity of bronchioles
D.   caused by inhaling coal dust
Question #21
Match the term with its definition: embolism
A.   pus in the lungs
B.   a plug that occludes
C.   contraction of smooth muscle in the bronchus
D.   loss of elasticity of bronchioles
Question #22
Match the term with its definition: hemoptysis
A.   harsh crowing sound
B.   snoring sounds
C.   bronchospasm that may be caused by a foreign body
D.   coughing blood
Question #23
Match the term with its definition: cyanotic
A.   arising from the bronchus
B.   blue
C.   pus in the lungs
D.   caused by a recessive gene
Question #24
Match the term with its definition: trachea
A.   turbinates
B.   tube supported by C-shaped rings of cartilege
C.   sheet of skeletal muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities
D.   functional part of the lung
Question #25
Match the term with its definition: diaphragm
A.   where oxygen and carbon dioxide gas is exchanged
B.   sheet of skeletal muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities
C.   turbinates
D.   functional part of the lung
Question #26
Match the term with its definition: turbinates
A.   where oxygen and carbon dioxide gas is exchanged
B.   functional part of the lung
C.   rounded top of each lung
D.   turbinates
Question #27
Match the term with its definition: parenchyma
A.   functional part of the lung
B.   indentation of the side of lung
C.   where oxygen and carbon dioxide gas is exchanged
D.   rounded top of each lung
Question #28
Match the term with its definition: alveolus
A.   indentation of the side of lung
B.   substance that reduces surface tension to keep alveoli from collapsing
C.   rounded top of each lung
D.   where oxygen and carbon dioxide gas is exchanged
Question #29
Match the term with its definition: apex
A.   indentation of the side of lung
B.   causes the diaphragm to contract
C.   substance that reduces surface tension to keep alveoli from collapsing
D.   rounded top of each lung
Question #30
Match the term with its definition: hilum
A.   causes the diaphragm to contract
B.   the compound found in red blood cells
C.   substance that reduces surface tension to keep alveoli from collapsing
D.   indentation of the side of lung
Question #31
Match the term with its definition: surfactant
A.   substance that reduces surface tension to keep alveoli from collapsing
B.   causes the diaphragm to contract
C.   sheet of skeletal muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities
D.   the compound found in red blood cells
Question #32
Match the term with its definition: phrenic nerve
A.   sheet of skeletal muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities
B.   turbinates
C.   causes the diaphragm to contract
D.   tube supported by C-shaped rings of cartilege
Question #33
Match the term with its definition: oxyhemoglobin
A.   sheet of skeletal muscle that divides the abdominal and thoracic cavities
B.   turbinates
C.   functional part of the lung
D.   the compound found in red blood cells

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