Com 1010 - Foundations of Communication » Summer 2023 » Quiz 1 on Chapter 1

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Question #1
Humans use _______ to represent things, processes, ideas, or events in ways that make communication possible.
A.   characters
B.   verbs
C.   symbols
D.   messages
Question #2
Roberto did not get much sleep last night. When he looked in the mirror he thought about how tired he looked. He ran into Maria at the mall and she told him how nice he looked today. Maria is often sarcastic, and Roberto took the comments as such even though she didn't come across as sarcastic in the interaction. As a result, he left the interaction feeling unhappy. What best explains why Roberto left the interaction feeling unhappy?
A.   Communication is a process.
B.   Communication is symbolic.
C.   Communication is linear.
D.   Communication is irreversible.
Question #3
Communication channels influence
A.   only what is communicated in a message.
B.   both how a message is communicated, and what is communicated.
C.   only how a message is communicated.
D.   neither how a message is communicated, nor what is communicated.
Question #4
An example of external noise is
A.   loud music.
B.   insecurity.
C.   hunger.
D.   fatigue.
Question #5
Mikayla believes that Amber thinks highly of her. Amber is just being polite toward Mikayla, but Mikayla perceives it as admiration. What best describes Mikayla's misperception?
A.   Psychological noise
B.   External noise
C.   Physiological noise
D.   Communication environments
Question #6
You always check social media sites on your smart phone when you're paying for goods at the grocery store, and you don't care if others do either. One day, you do this and the man behind you thinks the way you are treating the cashier is rude. What communication competence with social media should you follow to avoid such reactions next time?
A.   Respect privacy boundaries.
B.   Balance mediated and face-to-face time.
C.   Keep your tone civil.
D.   Respect others' need for undivided attention.
Question #7
The tendency to transmit messages without considering their consequences is called
A.   inhibition.
B.   directness.
C.   disinhibition.
D.   distraction.
Question #8
The ability to imagine how someone might be reacting internally to a situation, even if they cannot express that reaction clearly, points to which facet of communication competence?
A.   Sympathy
B.   Flexibility
C.   Commitment
D.   Empathy
Question #9
Esmeralda gives speeches about financial responsibility. She speaks effectively to many different groups. She was a Wall Street banker many years prior to becoming a speaker, but she is now dissatisfied with how Wall Street does business. She is asked to speak to a group of Wall Street bankers, but having been one herself, she wonders what the point is. She gives her speech, but most of the audience doesn't get her main points. Based on what you've read, what might best explain why her speech was not effective?
A.   She was not a relational communicator.
B.   She was not an empathic communicator.
C.   She was not committed.
D.   She was not self-monitoring.
Question #10
Ivan likes to make jokes and he often uses humor in his daily interactions. This approach to communication is usually effective for him. Ivan sees Dane at the market looking sad. After speaking with him, he finds that he recently lost a family pet. Ivan knows the feeling because he lost his pet hamster the month before. Ivan tries to cheer Dane up with his light-hearted humor, but Dane leaves feeling annoyed. From what we know, what best explains why Ivan was an ineffective communicator?
A.   He was not empathic.
B.   He was not situational.
C.   He was not relational.
D.   He was not flexible.

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