Com 1010 - Foundations of Communication » Summer 2023 » Quiz on Chapters 1,2,3,and 13

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Question #1
Humans use _______ to represent things, processes, ideas, or events in ways that make communication possible.
A.   characters
B.   symbols
C.   messages
D.   verbs
Question #2
When two or more people agree to use the same word or term to refer to something, they will more likely have
A.   effective communication.
B.   communication inhibition.
C.   familiar communication.
D.   a conversation.
Question #3
Roberto did not get much sleep last night. When he looked in the mirror he thought about how tired he looked. He ran into Maria at the mall and she told him how nice he looked today. Maria is often sarcastic, and Roberto took the comments as such even though she didn't come across as sarcastic in the interaction. As a result, he left the interaction feeling unhappy. What best explains why Roberto left the interaction feeling unhappy?
A.   Communication is irreversible.
B.   Communication is linear.
C.   Communication is symbolic.
D.   Communication is a process.
Question #4
Which of the following statements about communication is true?
A.   Communication is always encoded.
B.   Communication occurs in discrete, individual acts.
C.   Communication is something we do with others.
D.   Communication is only achieved by using symbols.
Question #5
There is no logical reason why the letters in the word "test" should represent the activity you are currently engaged in. This demonstrates which characteristic of communication?
A.   Communication is unintentional.
B.   Communication is symbolic.
C.   Communication is irreversible.
D.   Communication is relational.
Question #6
People with _______ are less willing to communicate, more likely to be critical of others and expect rejection from them, and more likely to be critical of their own performances and perform poorly when being watched.
A.   low-self-esteem
B.   high-self-esteem
C.   insecure belief systems
D.   intermediate self-esteem
Question #7
The term _______ describes how we develop an image of ourselves from the way we think others view us.
A.   self-concept
B.   reflected appraisal
C.   self-esteem
D.   perceived self
Question #8
A _______ occurs when a person's expectation of an outcome, and their subsequent behavior, make the outcome more likely to occur than would otherwise have been the case.
A.   perceived self
B.   self-concept
C.   self-fulfilling prophecy
D.   reflected appraisal
Question #9
Ashley gives a speech to the school board and stumbles on her words. The next time she speaks to the school board, she expects to stumble on her words again, which makes her nervous. Her nervousness causes her to stumble on her words again. This is likely the result of
A.   her presenting self.
B.   self-serving bias.
C.   a self-fulfilling prophecy.
D.   her perceived self.
Question #10
Lorie has a teacher whose opinion she highly values. This shows the importance of a
A.   self-serving bias.
B.   reflected appraisal.
C.   self-fulfilling prophecy.
D.   significant other.
Question #11
Which individuals feel that the biological sex attributed to them at birth is a not good description of who they are?
A.   Queer
B.   Transgender
C.   Lesbian
D.   Bisexual
Question #12
Jordan and Tristan don't feel that gender adjectives describe them well, and they reject gender labels in general. They identify as
A.   gay.
B.   queer.
C.   lesbian.
D.   transgender.
Question #13
Which theory describes the complex interplay of people's multiple identities?
A.   Social exchange
B.   Intersectionality
C.   Muted group
D.   Frame switching
Question #14
What is the relationship between a troll and a snark on social media?
A.   A troll's insults are more personal than a snark's attacks.
B.   Only a troll is a saboteur.
C.   Only a snark is a saboteur.
D.   A snark's insults are more personal than a troll's attacks.
Question #15
Posting anonymously as "Truthteller," Marisa likes to spread disinformation about COVID online and attack the political party she doesn't support. Marisa is a social media
A.   snark.
B.   troll.
C.   gatekeeper.
D.   agenda setter.
Question #16
Just as totally relaxed actors or musicians aren't likely to perform at the top of their potential, speakers think more rapidly and express themselves more energetically when they experience
A.   irrational thinking.
B.   the fallacy of perfection.
C.   facilitative speech anxiety.
D.   debilitative speech anxiety.
Question #17
An intense level of apprehension about speaking before an audience, resulting in poor performance, is referred to as
A.   debilitative speech anxiety.
B.   facilitative speech anxiety.
C.   irrational thinking.
D.   the fallacy of catastrophic failure.
Question #18
The fallacy of _______ might also be labeled the fallacy of exaggeration, because it occurs when a person blows one poor experience out of proportion, or when a speaker treats occasional lapses as if they were the rule rather than the exception.
A.   approval
B.   irrational thinking
C.   overgeneralization
D.   catastrophic failure
Question #19
People who succumb to the fallacy of _______ operate on the assumption that, if something bad can happen, it probably will.
A.   irrational thinking
B.   approval
C.   catastrophic failure
D.   overgeneralization
Question #20
Speakers who succumb to the fallacy of _______ expect to deliver a flawless presentation.
A.   overgeneralization
B.   perfection
C.   approval
D.   irrational thinking

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