Com 1010 - Foundations of Communication » Summer 2023 » Quiz on Chapters 4,5,6

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Question #1
Arbitrary constructions that represent a communicator's thoughts are referred to in the chapter as
A.   phonological rules.
B.   symbols.
C.   syntactic rules.
D.   communication.
Question #2
The rules that govern how words sound when they are pronounced are called _______ rules.
A.   semantic
B.   syntactic
C.   pragmatic
D.   phonological
Question #3
The rules that deal with the meaning of specific words are called _______ rules.
A.   pragmatic
B.   syntactic
C.   phonological
D.   semantic
Question #4
Which of the following statements is false?
A.   Good listeners are less likely to be fooled by meaningless remarks.
B.   Listening skills are among the top five things rated most important by recruiters.
C.   Much of the listening people do is not very effective.
D.   Leaders' speaking skills are always more influential than their listening skills.
Question #5
When he goes on a date, Jack has a hard time focusing and tends to be misunderstood, even though he frequently and loudly voices his opinions. His friend advises that _______ would make him more attractive to potential partners.
A.   letting his date do all the talking
B.   listening attentively to what his date has to say
C.   speaking more softly
D.   speaking more slowly
Question #6
According to the textbook, _______ are typically judged to be appealing and trustworthy.
A.   effective listeners
B.   people who pretend to listen
C.   interviewees
D.   leaders
Question #7
Which of the following is most clearly an example of nonverbal communication?
A.   Email
B.   American Sign Language
C.   Laughter
D.   Speeches
Question #8
Which of the following statements about nonverbal communication is true?
A.   It is easy to avoid.
B.   It helps define relationships.
C.   It is unrelated to identity management.
D.   It is unambiguous.
Question #9
Jared is looking intently at his computer screen when his father walks into his room. What should his father conclude about Jared's behavior?
A.   It is impossible to say because nonverbal cues can mean more than one thing.
B.   He does not want to be disturbed.
C.   He is angry.
D.   He is concentrating.
Question #10
Your mother is feeling insecure about her looks after starting a new job with younger coworkers. What advice based on research do you offer to help boost her self-confidence?
A.   Don't worry about being perceived as attractive. This won't affect how you are treated on the job.
B.   Get a tattoo. It will make you seem more hip and more attractive to younger coworkers.
C.   Remember that as people get to know and like one another, they rate each other higher in terms of physical attractiveness.
D.   Dress in less expensive clothing brands that won't intimidate your coworkers.

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