Family and Consumer Studies 21 - Nutrition » Summer 2023 » Midterm Exam

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Question #1
Foods that have been subjected to the addition of additives, milling, or cooking are called _____ foods.
A.   medical
B.   natural
C.   whole
D.   organic
E.   processed
Question #2
Research suggests that consumption of both fermented foods and high-fiber whole foods, such as vegetables, improves the diversity and number of beneficial bacteria in the gut. Researchers think that regularly consuming fermented foods has a greater impact on improving gut health compared to regularly consuming high-fiber foods. They want to test their hypothesis by comparing changes to gut bacteria in people who will consume fermented foods every day for six weeks with those who will consume high-fiber vegetables each day for six weeks. Which type of research design will the scientists consider?
A.   A case study
B.   A laboratory study
C.   An intervention study
D.   A double-blind study
E.   An epidemiological study
Question #3
A bowl of soup contains 25 grams of fat and provides 470 calories per bowl. What is the percentage of calories obtained from fat in the soup?
A.   21%
B.   37%
C.   52%
D.   48%
E.   58%
Question #4
In a study, researchers examine the characteristics and history of three children who suffer from ongoing insomnia and who have low blood levels of vitamin D. They compare these observations and determine that exploring a connection between low vitamin D levels in children and insomnia warrants further research. This study is an example of a(n) _______.
A.   case study
B.   blind experiment
C.   epidemiological study
D.   laboratory study
E.   intervention study
Question #5
The most energy-rich nutrient is _______.
A.   protein
B.   carbohydrate
C.   fiber
D.   fat
E.   water
Question #6
Which of the following is not an affect that regular physical activity has on the body?
A.   Increased lean body tissue
B.   Decreased bone density
C.   Faster wound healing
D.   Reduced risk of cardiovascular diseases
E.   Improved mental functioning
Question #7
Which nutrient is needed in the greatest daily quantity?
A.   Protein
B.   Carbohydrates
C.   Fats
D.   Water
E.   Minerals
Question #8
Which of the following characteristics applies to the maintenance stage of behavior change?
A.   Concentrating mainly on the strengths of the current eating pattern
B.   Committing time and energy to make changes in behavior
C.   Admitting that change is needed and weighing the pros and cons of changing
D.   Striving to integrate the new behavior into daily life and striving to make it permanent
E.   Avoiding changes in daily routine and specific behavior
Question #9
Which nutrient do all B vitamins contain?
A.   Protein
B.   Cobalt
C.   Calcium 
D.   Iron 
E.   Nitrogen
Question #10
Your family always has rice available at every meal, just as it has been for every generation. This is an example of food selection because of _________.
A.   social pressure
B.   availability
C.   emotional comfort
D.   economy
E.   cultural tradition
Question #11
The best way for a person to consume energy and essential nutrients in adequate and balanced amounts is to:
A.   follow a diet that includes only green vegetables.
B.   limit the consumption of foods from the grains group.
C.   choose foods with a high nutrient density from each food group.
D.   follow a diet rich in dairy products.
E.   eat only unprocessed foods.
Question #12
A loaf of bread is labeled as “high fiber,” which means a serving contains __________.
A.   at least 20% of the DV for fiber 
B.   25% more fiber than other breads
C.   at least 5 grams of fiber
D.   at least 2 grams of fiber
E.   2.5 to 4.9 grams of fiber
Question #13
The percentages of the daily values in the updated label on food packages are given in terms of a person requiring _____ calories each day.
A.   2,000
B.   3,500
C.   1,500
D.   3,000
E.   1,000
Question #14
Which of the following foods falls into the protein food group of the USDA Eating Patterns?
A.   Quinoa
B.   Popcorn
C.   Avocado
D.   Olives
E.   Oysters
Question #15
The Dietary Reference Intakes (DRI) are designed for:
A.   disease prevention in both healthy and unhealthy individuals.
B.   restoration of health in malnourished individuals.
C.   health maintenance and promotion of healing after injury.
D.   health maintenance and disease prevention in healthy people.
E.   reversal of nutrient deficiencies.
Question #16
A food manufacturer has included the following claim on the container label for a product: “Improves memory.” If you were evaluating the claim, you would:
A.   be suspicious because this is a structure-function claim requiring no advance approval.
B.   know that the manufacturer has done extensive research on the claim.
C.   be aware that the FDA has done research on the manufacturer’s claim.
D.   know this is an accurate statement because it was reviewed before being put on the label.
E.   be likely to recommend this product because of the obvious claim.
Question #17
The bottom portion of the nutrition facts panel on a food package:
A.   provides the dietary references intakes (DRI) information for comparing different products.
B.   conveys information specific to the food inside the package.
C.   is different on every label.
D.   serves as a reminder of the daily values for the selected nutrients.
E.   presents the daily values for vitamin D and potassium at four calorie levels.
Question #18
Resveratrol is a phytochemical found in _________.
A.   chocolate 
B.   edamame and tofu
C.   kefir
D.   grapes 
E.   green tea
Question #19
Brianna is using an app on her phone to track her daily calorie and nutrient intake. According to the app, her average daily intake last week was 2150 calories day, 129 grams of protein, 226 grams of carbohydrate, and 81 grams of fat. How does her intake compare to the acceptable macronutrient distribution ranges (AMDR)? 
A.   Her protein and fat intake fall within the AMDR, but her carbohydrate intake is below it.
B.   Her protein, carbohydrate and fat intake all fall within the AMDR.
C.   Her protein intake is the only macronutrient that falls within the AMDR.
D.   Her protein and carbohydrate intakes fall within the AMDR, but her fat intake is above it.
E.   Her carbohydrate intake is the only macronutrient that falls within the AMDR.
Question #20
Which of the following best fits into a meal plan for an individual trying to eat 1 cup vegetables, 2 ounces grains, and 2 ounces protein foods at lunch?
A.   A sandwich of 2 slices whole-wheat bread, 4 tablespoons nut butter, and 1 tablespoon honey with salad of 1 cup raw spinach
B.   1 cup bean salad, 1 cup cooked rice, and 1/2 cup tofu
C.   A sandwich of 2 slices whole-wheat bread and 2 ounces ham, 1 boiled egg, and 1 cup vegetable juice
D.   1/2 avocado, 1/2 cup yogurt, 2 tablespoons peanut butter, and 1 cup cooked spinach
E.   2 ounces broiled salmon and 1 cup thick tomato sauce over 1/2 cup cooked pasta
Question #21
Bile is made by the ___, stored in the ______, and released into the ______.
A.   pancreas, liver, stomach
B.   pancreas, liver, small intestine
C.   liver, gall bladder, stomach
D.   liver, gall bladder, small intestine
Question #22
Blood leaving the digestive system is routed directly to the _____.
A.   gallbladder
B.   lungs
C.   kidneys
D.   liver
E.   heart
Question #23
All of the following are effects of severe malnutrition on the small intestine except:
A.   the muscles become weak due to inactivity. 
B.   proteins may not be available to make digestive enzymes.
C.   the surface area of the small intestine shrinks in size.
D.   nutrients may not get absorbed.  
E.   the absorption rate increases due to higher nutrient demands.
Question #24
What is released when the fight-or-flight response is triggered?
A.   Adrenaline and insulin
B.   Epinephrine and adrenaline
C.   Epinephrine and norepinephrine
D.   Epinephrine and neurotransmitters
E.   Epinephrine, norepinephrine, and neurotransmitters
Question #25
An altered immune response that accompanies many chronic diseases is ______.
A.   ulcerative colitis
B.   obesity
C.   inflammation
D.   fatty liver disease
E.   malnutrition
Question #26
What is the structural hierarchy in the body in descending order (largest to smallest)?
A.   Organs, tissues, muscles, cells
B.   Body systems, organs, muscles, cells
C.   Organs, tissues, cells, genes 
D.   Cells, tissues, organs, body systems
E.   Body systems, organs, tissues, cells
Question #27
Which of the following statements is true?
A.   The microvilli facilitate the digestion of a large percentage of deficient nutrients.
B.   The villi block toxins from being absorbed into the blood.
C.   The microvilli absorb nutrients into the lymphatic system.
D.   The microvilli trap nutrients so the villi cells can absorb them.
E.   The villi complete the breakdown of foods into nutrients.
Question #28
What supplies the body with glucose a few hours after finishing a meal?
A.   Glycogen in the liver
B.   Glycogen in the muscles
C.   Glycogen in the liver and fat stores
D.   Glycogen in the muscles and fat stores
E.   Glycogen in the muscles and liver
Question #29
All of the following occur in the body when the body’s stress response is triggered except for:
A.   the pupils widen. 
B.   breathing becomes slower and shallower.
C.   fat is released from fat cells.
D.   blood pressure rises. 
E.   blood glucose rises.
Question #30
Intoxication occurs more quickly if:
A.   the stomach is empty.
B.   drinks are diluted with water.
C.   carbohydrate-rich snacks are consumed at the same time.
D.   drinks are consumed slowly.
E.   drinks contain less than half an ounce of alcohol. 
Question #31
Carbohydrates are essential for providing energy to the body because:
A.   they provide ketone bodies that are the preferred energy sources of the body’s cells.
B.   ketone bodies produced from proteins do not provide adequate energy for cells.
C.   they provide amino acids that are the preferred energy sources for body processes.
D.   the glucose obtained from them is an important fuel for most of the body’s cells.
E.   fats cannot provide energy for cellular processes.
Question #32
Which of the following helps prevent type 2 diabetes?
A.   Restricting protein intake
B.   Avoiding strenuous physical exercise
C.   Taking insulin injections
D.   Increasing caffeine intake
E.   Maintaining a healthy body weight
Question #33
When fructose and glucose are bonded together, they form ________.
A.   fruit sugar
B.   table sugar
C.   sugar alcohol
D.   milk sugar
E.   malt sugar
Question #34
Which of the following statements is false concerning the splitting of glucose for energy?
A.   Glucose can be broken down to yield energy and carbon dioxide.
B.   Inside a cell, glucose is broken in half and these two halves have two pathways open to them.
C.   Water is a by-product of splitting glucose for energy.
D.   Body fat can be converted into glucose to feed the brain adequately.
E.   Small molecules derived from glucose can be linked to form fat molecules.
Question #35
The DRI for total carbohydrates for an average-sized adult is _____ grams per day.
A.   130
B.   50
C.   75
D.   200
E.   100
Question #36
Which of the following is not a health effect associated with dietary fibers?
A.   Modulated blood glucose levels
B.   Lowered risk of appendicitis and complications from diverticula
C.   Lowered risk of heart and artery disease
D.   Increased blood cholesterol levels
E.   Lowered risk of constipation and hemorrhoids
Question #37
Among the following, the starch in _____breaks down rapidly to glucose in the body.
A.   cooked dried beans
B.   chilled cooked potatoes
C.   oatmeal
D.   barley
E.   refined white flour
Question #38
The best way to achieve a desirable fiber intake is to include _____ in the diet.
A.   a variety of meats
B.   fruits, vegetables, and grains
C.   refined grains and added sugars
D.   enriched processed foods
E.   yogurt with live cultures
Question #39
Sugar has been implicated by many people in some major health problems. One scientifically proven effect of sugar on health is that:
A.   the link between sugar intake and colon cancer is weaker when total calorie intakes exceed the daily need.
B.   sugar consumed in large amounts leads to obesity, even when calorie intake does not exceed calorie needs.
C.   consuming sweetened soft drinks every day for a few weeks results in significant changes in blood lipids.
D.   eating large amounts of pure sugar puts a strain on the appendix, leading to diabetes.
E.   fructose suppresses the human appetite in the same way that glucose does.
Question #40
Dietary fiber has been recommended for its possible benefits in reducing heart disease by lowering blood cholesterol. How does fiber play a role in lowering blood cholesterol?
A.   Insoluble fiber binds with cholesterol in the large intestine and is excreted in feces.
B.   Soluble fiber binds with enzymes in the blood and is metabolized by the liver.
C.   Soluble fiber binds with bile in the intestine and carries cholesterol out with feces.
D.   Insoluble fiber converts into bile in the large intestine and binds with cholesterol.
E.   Soluble fiber converts dietary cholesterol into bile, which is recycled for use in the digestive process.
Question #41
Which of the following foods is likely to have hidden fat?
A.   Ice cream
B.   Soda
C.   Bananas
D.   Skin-on chicken breasts
E.   Butter
Question #42
Kayla has been keeping a daily food log and finds that her average daily intake is 2,100 calories, 77 grams of fat, and 20 grams of saturated fat. How does her average intake compare to the DRI recommendations?
A.   Both her percentage of calories from fat and saturated fat meet the recommendations.
B.   Her saturated fat intake is within the recommended range, but her percentage of calories from total fat is too low.
C.   Her fat intake is within the recommended range, but her percentage of calories from saturated fat is too high.
D.   Her saturated fat intake is within the recommended range, but her percentage of calories from total fat is too high.
E.   Both her percentage of calories from fat and saturated fat fall are above the recommendations.
Question #43
Consumption of swordfish, king mackerel, and shark should be limited due to its ________ content.
A.   arsenic
B.   lead
C.   iodine
D.   iron
E.   mercury
Question #44
Which statements concerning cholesterol is false?
A.   It is a component of bile.
B.   It is an essential nutrient.
C.   It is a part of every cell.
D.   Vitamin D is made with cholesterol.
E.   It can be made by the body.
Question #45
Which of the following foods is NOT a major contributor of healthful fatty acids?
A.   walnuts, which are high in omega-6 fatty acids
B.   flaxseed, which is high in omega-3 fatty acids
C.   olives, which are high in monounsaturated fats
D.   avocados, which are high in unsaturated fats
E.   nondairy creamers, which are high in trans fats
Question #46
What percentage of calories from fat are provided by hamburger that provides 560 calories, 33 grams of fat, 44 grams of carbohydrate, and 26 grams of protein?
A.   53%
B.   31%
C.   42%
D.   19%
E.   71%
Question #47
Ciara orders a fast-food salad that comes with a packet that contains 5 tablespoons of salad dressing. Approximately how much fat will the salad dressing add to Ciara’s salad if she uses the entire packet?
A.   45 grams
B.   10 grams
C.   25 grams
D.   17.5 grams
E.   15 grams
Question #48
Which of the following statements is true of fatty acids?
A.   All fatty acids have only double bonds.
B.   All fatty acids are solid at room temperature.
C.   The more hydrogen atoms attached to carbon atoms, the more saturated a fatty acid is.
D.   All fatty acids have the same chain length.
E.   The more carbon atoms and nitrogen atoms present in a fatty acid, the shorter the fatty acid is.
Question #49
Cholesterol is a member of the group of lipids known as _____.
A.   lipoproteins
B.   sterols
C.   phospholipids
D.   triglycerides
E.   fatty acids
Question #50
What finding from the Seven Countries Study suggested that something other than total fat intake was affecting cardiovascular risk?
A.   Saturated fat had little impact on cardiovascular death rates in the two countries with the highest total fat intakes.
B.   The country that consumed more than 15% of total energy from saturated fat had the lowest cardiovascular death rate.
C.   The country with the lowest total fat intake had the lowest cardiovascular death rate.
D.   The country with the lowest saturated fat intake had the highest cardiovascular death rate.
E.   One of the countries with the highest total fat intake had the lowest cardiovascular death rate.
Question #51
Who among the following will have the highest protein DRI per unit of body weight?
A.   An 82-year-old man
B.   A 28-year-old woman
C.   A 28-year-old man
D.   A 8-year-old child
E.   A 20-year-old woman
Question #52
Roberto lost a significant amount of weight during an illness and is considering taking amino acid supplements to help him regain muscle mass. What advice would you give him?
A.   Exercise regularly to promote muscle regain.
B.   Take amino acid supplements because they are an excellent way to provide energy to rebuild muscles.
C.   During recovery, consume extra carbohydrate but not extra protein.
D.   Consume whole protein as it is better handled by the digestive system and will promote recovery.
E.   Take amino acid supplements because they are easier to digest than whole foods.
Question #53
Which of the following statements is true regarding protein intake recommendations?
A.   Protein recommendations are based strictly on age and gender.
B.   Dieters should take excess protein supplements to spare body proteins.
C.   Athletes may need slightly more protein than other healthy adults.
D.   Infants and children need the same amount of protein as adults on a per-kilogram basis.
E.   Athletes build muscle only when they consume excess protein supplements.
Question #54
The protein hemoglobin carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues. This is an example of protein’s role in:
A.   transporting substances around the body.
B.   maintaining fluid and electrolyte balance.
C.   maintaining acid-base balance.
D.   building enzymes and hormones.
E.   supporting growth and maintenance.
Question #55
Protein catalysts that facilitate chemical reactions are _________.
A.   hormones
B.   antibodies
C.   lipoproteins
D.   enzymes
E.   lysosomes
Question #56
What happens when an athlete consumes large amounts of protein-rich foods?
A.   The body uses excess amino acids, leading to rapid muscle growth.
B.   The body starts to dismantle its tissue proteins.
C.   The body utilizes excess amino acids as fuel or stores them as fat.
D.   A diet high in protein does not provide sufficient energy required to support muscle growth.
E.   The excess protein causes muscle breakdown rather than building muscle tissue.
Question #57
Which of the following is abundantly found in animal proteins?
A.   Serotonin
B.   Vitamin B12
C.   Vitamin A
D.   Vitamin C
E.   Potassium
Question #58
Which of the following individuals is likely in positive nitrogen balance?
A.   A 20-year-old college student
B.   A 30-year-old with extensive burns
C.   A 70-year-old recovering from surgery
D.   A 38-year-old pregnant woman
E.   A 60-year-old retiree
Question #59
What determines the standard sequence of amino acids in a protein molecule? 
A.   Weight
B.   Age
C.   Diet
D.   Genes
E.   Gender
Question #60
What are conditionally essential amino acids?
A.   Amino acids that are required by the body in minute quantities
B.   Amino acids that are normally nonessential but must be supplied through the diet when the need for it exceeds the body’s ability to produce it
C.   Amino acids that are easily synthesized by the body and are not required to be consumed through the diet
D.   Amino acids that cannot be synthesized by the body at all and should be taken in through the diet to meet the required amounts
E.   Amino acids that are synthesized by the body in excess quantities

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