ESL 151 - Reading and Composition » Spring 2023 » Comprehension Check Paragraph Development

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Question #1
A body paragraph of a research paper is similar to a body paragraph for a short essay in all of the following ways EXCEPT…
A.   It can use personal examples to support the ideas.
B.   It can include quotes from sources to support the ideas.
C.   It should begin with a topic sentence.
D.   It should support the topic sentence with logical arguments and evidence.
Question #2
When you write a counterargument and refutation paragraph, it is a good idea to do all of the following EXCEPT…
A.   Focus on arguing for the opposite point of view from the thesis statement.
B.   Include quotes or paraphrases from sources to illustrate the counterargument, support the refutation, or both.
C.   Follow the counterargument with a strong refutation, arguing in support of your thesis statement.
D.   Begin the paragraph by explaining one of the strongest arguments against your thesis statement.
Question #3
Suppose you are writing a research paper on the benefits of bilingualism, and one of the paragraphs focuses on how learning new languages is good for the brain. Which of the following would be the best way to develop this point?
A.   Include a story about a family member of yours who is learning Spanish to stay mentally active.
B.   Include information from a reliable article explaining the scientific evidence for your claim, with MLA-style citations for all quotes or paraphrases.
C.   Insult people who think learning new languages is a waste of time.
D.   Use slang and emotional language to make your paragraph more fun to read.
Question #4
As you write the rough draft of your research paper, it is important to do all of the following EXCEPT…
A.   Write everything in order, from the introduction to the conclusion, and never skip ahead.
B.   Take careful notes from your sources, writing down anything you may want to include in your paper, noting which source it came from and the page number.
C.   Follow your outline, and use it to help you remember what points to cover and in what order.
D.   Be careful to use correct grammar and formal, academic wording.
Question #5
Which of the following sentences includes a correctly written MLA-style citation?
A.   In her research, Charlotte Neuhauser reached a conclusion that "There was no significant difference between the two sections on the effectiveness of the various course activities, except for the pretest and the chapter review, which were found to be significantly more effective for the online sections" (Neuhauser 106).
B.   Studies show that "There was no significant difference between the two sections on the effectiveness of the various course activities, except for the pretest and the chapter review, which were found to be significantly more effective for the online sections."
C.   In her research, Charlotte Neuhauser reached a conclusion that "There was no significant difference between the two sections on the effectiveness of the various course activities, except for the pretest and the chapter review, which were found to be significantly more effective for the online sections" (Charlotte Neuhauser, p. 106).
D.   "There was no significant difference between the two sections on the effectiveness of the various course activities, except for the pretest and the chapter review, which were found to be significantly more effective for the online sections" (The American Journal of Distance Education).

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