BUSAD 120 - Business Law » Winter 2024 » Case Problem Analysis 02.1 Business and the Bill of Rights

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Question #1
Thomas is claiming that the state violated his ________ Amendment right to freedom of religion.
A.   Tenth
B.   Eight
C.   First
D.   Fourth
Question #2
The Bill of Rights was intended to protect the rights of _______ against infringement by _________.
A.   international agencies, foreign citizens
B.   the government, foreign citizens
C.   foreign citizens, individuals
D.   business owners, the government
E.   individuals, the government
Question #3
The Bill of Rights originally was intended only to limit the federal government but most of the protections were "incorporated," and also apply to the states because of the ____ Amendment.
A.   Fourteenth
B.   Twenty-first
C.   Tenth
D.   Twelfth
Question #4
Freedom of religion is divided into two major categories. The first prevents the government from___ a state-sponsored religion, promoting or preferring religion.
A.   establishing
B.   preventing
C.   forbidding
D.   requiring
Question #5
The second component of religious freedom guarantees that people can believe what they want to believe and is called the ____clause.
A.   open belief
B.   free belief
C.   free exercise
D.   establishment
Question #6
Thomas alleges that the state denied him unemployment because he quit rather than work in a location where his religious ____ would be violated, and he claims a violation of the________ clause.
A.   locations, establishment
B.   beliefs, free exercise
C.   locations, commerce
D.   ordinances, establishment
Question #7
In order to infringe upon Thomas's rights in this way, the state must have a ___ interest that can only be served by infringing upon his rights.
A.   legitimate
B.   common
C.   compelling
D.   reasonable
Question #8
The free exercise clause has an absolute protection related to __ but the government may restrict an individual's ___ in order to maintain order..
A.   beliefs, beliefs
B.   actions, actions
C.   actions, beliefs
D.   beliefs, actions
Question #9
In order to financially support himself, Thomas either had to ___ working for the military division or needed to __ unemployment benefits.
A.   continue, pay
B.   quit, pay
C.   quit, receive
D.   continue, receive
Question #10
In order to receive unemployment benefits, Thomas could not ___, but instead had to ___.
A.   quit voluntarily, be promoted
B.   quit voluntarily, be terminated
C.   be fired, be promoted
D.   be fired, be terminated
Question #11
Thomas's company did not ___ him, instead, it allowed him an opportunity to continue working, but for the military division.
A.   promote
B.   demote
C.   hire
D.   terminate
Question #12
According to Thomas, continuing to work for the military division would ___ Thomas's religious beliefs.
A.   change
B.   violate
C.   support
Question #13
Because of the state's regulation, Thomas either had to ___ religious beliefs and continue working for the military division or give up unemployment compensation.
A.   assert
B.   strengthen
C.   violate
Question #14
Because the state forced Thomas to choose between his religion and his unemployment benefits, the state ___ violate his free exercise rights.
A.   did
B.   did not

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