BUSAD 120 - Business Law » Winter 2024 » Case Problem Analysis 02.2 What If the Facts Were Different
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Question #1
Assume instead of the military-equipment issue, Thomas's religion required that he take a break at noon every day to take illegal drugs. The drugs are considered "Schedule 1" drugs, meaning the government has evaluated them and determined that the drugs have no medicinal value but have a high risk of addiction or serve as "gateway" drugs, leading users to even more serious drugs. The state relies on studies linking drug use to criminal activity and violence. A court is likely to find that the state's interest in reducing illegal drug activity, and the associated criminal activity, is a ____ interest that would justify violating Thomas's religious freedom.
Question #2
Assume instead of the military-equipment issue, Thomas's religion required that he take a break at noon every day to take illegal drugs. The drugs are considered "Schedule 1" drugs, meaning the government has evaluated them and determined that the drugs have no medicinal value but have a high risk of addiction or serve as "gateway" drugs, leading users to even more serious drugs. The state relies on studies linking drug use to criminal activity and violence. If the court considers the state's reasons sufficient, it is likely to find that the regulation that violates Thomas's religious freedom is _____ if the regulation is the only way to meet that government objective.
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