Political Science 001 - The Government of the United States » Spring 2023 » Quiz 3

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Question #1
In this case the Supreme Court ruled that slaves were property:
A.   Plessy v. Ferguson
B.   Miranda v. Arizona
C.   Scott v. Sandford
D.   Brown v. Board of Education
Question #2
The Civil Rights Act and Voting Rights Act were both passed under this president:
A.   JFK
B.   Rutherford B. Hayes
C.   Dwight Eisenhower
D.   LBJ
Question #3
This granted adult male former slaves the right to vote:
A.   The 14th Amendment
B.   Title IX
C.   The 15th Amendment
D.   The 13th Amendment
Question #4
This granted citizenship to former slaves:
A.   The 13th Amendment
B.   The 14th Amendment
C.   The 15th Amendment
D.   Title IX
Question #5
This abolished slavery with some exceptions:
A.   The 13th Amendment
B.   The 15th Amendment
C.   The 14th Amendment
D.   Title IX
Question #6
The Equal Rights Amendment:
A.   Was never ratified by enough states to become a constitutional amendment
B.   Was never approved by the Congress
C.   Became a constitutional amendment in 1972
D.   Became a constitutional amendment in 1979
Question #7
In rejecting the doctrine of "separate but equal," Brown v. Board of Education overturned which earlier ruling:
A.   Scott v. Sandford
B.   Gideon v. Wainwright
C.   Miranda v. Arizona
D.   Plessy v. Ferguson
Question #8
Due to the Supreme Court's ruling in this case, criminal defendants have the right to a court appointed lawyer:
A.   Miranda v. Arizona
B.   Gideon v. Wainwright
C.   Brown v. Board of Education
D.   Plessy v. Ferguson

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