Anthropology 1 - Physical Anthropology » Fall 2019 » Test 2

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Question #1
As explained in the "Great Transformations" video, which one of the following hypotheses, explaining tetrapod evolution, is most widely accepted today?
A.   limbs evolved after some species had already adapted to living on land
B.   the first tetrapods had wings, which allowed them to adapt to life outside of water
C.   limbs evolved in the water, allowing some tetrapods to adapt to life on land
D.   the first tetrapods evolved from aquatic insects
Question #2
Paleontologists, like those featured in the "Great Transformations" video, recognize that whales evolved from:
A.   fish
B.   reptiles
C.   large, flightless birds
D.   land mammals
Question #3
Habitat isolation, in which two different species occupy different habitats (e.g. one lives in the forest canopy, while the other lives among the vines of a rain forest) is an example of a(n):
A.   speciation event
B.   reproductive isolating mechanism
C.   macroevolution
D.   adaptive radiation
Question #4
The canine teeth of the extinct Saber-toothed cat and today's cats (e.g. tigers, lions) were inherited from a common ancestral species. This is an example of a(n) _______________ trait.
A.   speciated
B.   parallel
C.   homologous
D.   convergent
E.   analogous
Question #5
Which one of the following does NOT describe speciation?
A.   it refers to the evolution of new species
B.   one or more species are formed as a result of reproductive isolation
C.   it's included in the concept macroevolution
D.   it's not part of the evolutionary process
Question #6
The lack of hindlimbs in today's whales (as compared to the limbs of extinct whale species) is an example of a(n) ____________ trait.
A.   derived
B.   ancestral
Question #7
A cladogram is similar to a family tree but it doesn't display an evolutionary timeline.
Question #8
Mammals have which of the following characteristics?
A.   “warm-blooded”
B.   mammary glands
C.   hair/fur for insulation
D.   give birth to fully formed young
E.   all of the above
Question #9
A species' ___________ characteristics are what distinguishes it from other related species.
A.   evolved
B.   phenotypic
C.   shared
D.   derived
Question #10
Humans are mammals.
Question #11
Mendel discovered that yellow seed color in pea plants is dominant to green. What offspring genotype probabilities are expected for a cross between a plant that produces yellow seeds (heterozygous genotype) and one that produces green seeds? (This is an autosomal trait).
A.   50% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous
B.   25% homozygous dominant, 50% heterozygous, 25% homozygous recessive
C.   100% heterozygous
D.   50% heterozygous, 50% homozygous recessive
Question #12
Hemophilia is X-linked, recessive. If you were a genetics counselor, and a man with the disease and a woman who was neither a Hemophiliac nor a carrier wanted to find out if it was possible for them to have a child with the disease, what would you tell them?
A.   all of their sons will have the disease
B.   all of their daughters will have the disease
C.   all of their children will have Hemophilia
D.   none of their children will have the disease, but all of their daughters will be carriers
Question #13
Identify the example of genetic bottleneck:
A.   a small population (or gene pool) becomes separated from the "parent" population (or gene pool)
B.   a large gene pool experiences a rapid decrease in size and then increases in size again over time
C.   a large diverse population is separated into two distinct gene pools
D.   a large gene pool experiences an increase in size and continues getter larger over time
Question #14
Which one of the following does NOT relate to sexual selection?
A.   it has resulted in sexual dimorphism in many animal species
B.   it acts on only one of the sexes
C.   it's largely the result of female choice
D.   it involves non-random mating
E.   it's primarily driven by males selecting the most desirable females
Question #15
Select the answer that best completes this sentence: The smaller the population…
A.   the greater the potential effect of gene flow on the frequency of genes within that population
B.   the lesser the potential effect of gene flow on the frequency of genes within that population
C.   the lesser the potential effect of genetic drift on the frequency of genes within that population
D.   the greater the potential effect of genetic drift on the frequency of genes within that population
Question #16
Mendel's discoveries disproved the blending theory of inheritance (= the mixing of genetic material from both parents).
Question #17
An individual's physical features, or the way their genetic make-up is expressed, is known as:
A.   genotype
B.   phenotype
C.   allele
D.   dominance
Question #18
Most human traits are the result of the actions of multiple genes, and are described as:
A.   genotypic
B.   polygenic
C.   monogenic
D.   pleiotropic
E.   none of the above
Question #19
The term genotype can best be defined as:
A.   the physical expression of an individual's genes
B.   the total number of genes for a species
C.   an individual's gametes
D.   the alleles that an individual has inherited from their parents
Question #20
It is likely that every individual carries a mutation in some gene.
Question #21
Dihybrid cross-experiments were essential to:
A.   Mendel's law of independent assortment
B.   Mendel's law of segregation
C.   discovering the particulate nature of inheritance in general
D.   discovering the nature of dominant and recessive alleles
Question #22
An individual has an autosomal recessive disease when:
A.   they are homozygous for a recessive, disease-causing allele
B.   they are heterozygous for a dominant, disease-causing allele
C.   they are homozygous for a dominant, disease-causing allele
D.   none of the above
Question #23
Genetic mutations never provide any good traits or benefits for individuals that wind up with them.
Question #24
Insects, and other animals without backbones, are classified as Vertebrates.

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