History 101 - United States History to 1877 » 2019 » Chapter 3 Quiz

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Question #1
The seventeenth-century medical practice of deliberately bleeding a person was based on
A.   scientific experimentation and observation.
B.   the belief that a person needed to maintain a balance of different bodily fluids.
C.   Calvinist religious doctrine.
D.   practices acquired from Indians.
E.   evidence that it helped in the recovery from illness.
Question #2
During the seventeenth century, the Royal African Company of England
A.   stopped importing slaves directly from Africa.
B.   would only ship adult African men in the slave trade.
C.   sent the majority of its enslaved Africans directly to the Chesapeake colonies.
D.   deliberately restricted the supply of slaves to the North American colonies.
E.   lowered the prices of slaves in order to increase their sale in the North American colonies.
Question #3
The “triangular trade” in the Atlantic dealt with which commodity?
A.   All these answers are correct.
B.   rum
C.   molasses
D.   slaves
E.   sugar
Question #4
During the eighteenth century, rising consumerism in the American colonies was encouraged by
A.   increasing class distinctions within society and the association of material possessions with status in the upper class.
B.   the association of material possessions with loyalty to the crown.
C.   the quickly rising purchasing power of members of the lower classes.
D.   the rising ideal of equality of condition among colonists
E.   the rising ideal of equality of condition among colonists and the association of material possessions with personal virtue and refinement.
Question #5
The Stono Rebellion
A.   led to the death of dozens of white Virginian colonists.
B.   led to the banning of the slave trade in Maryland.
C.   led planters to resume hiring indentured servants for their labor needs.
D.   prompted Georgia to strengthen its laws on slavery.
E.   saw slaves in South Carolina attempt to escape from the colony.
Question #6
Which of the following statements about slave work is FALSE?
A.   Some slaves on larger plantations learned trades and crafts.
B.   Skilled slaves were at times hired out to other planters.
C.   A few slaves were able to buy their freedom.
D.   Colonial slave codes forbade teaching slaves skilled trades and crafts.
E.   Field hand was the predominant occupation of both male and female slaves.
Question #7
In the outbreaks of witchcraft hysteria that marked New England colonial life, those accused were most commonly
A.   Indians or slaves.
B.   criminals.
C.   not members of the church.
D.   women of low social position.
E.   indentured servants.
Question #8
In the English colonies, Roman Catholics
A.   made up a large minority population of most colonies.
B.   were generally well treated.
C.   were officially illegal.
D.   suffered their greatest persecution in the Carolinas.
E.   suffered their greatest persecution in Maryland.
Question #9
Eighteenth-century Enlightenment thought
A.   had little influence on American intellectual thought.
B.   rejected most religious thought.
C.   suggested that people had considerable control over their own lives.
D.   emphasized the importance of religious faith.
E.   challenged concepts such as “natural laws.”
Question #10
In the seventeenth century, the great majority of English immigrants who came to the Chesapeake region were,,
A.   slaves.
B.   indentured servants.
C.   religious dissenters.
D.   women.
E.   convicts.

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