HSCI 390 - Bio Statistics » Spring 2020 » Lecture Homework 4

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Question #1
Which of the following does NOT appropriately represent the relationship between a potential sample and its corresponding population? 
A.   Sample: A group of 20 male employees working at the LA County Dept. of Public Health; Population: A group of 20 female employees working at the LA County Dept. of Public Health
B.   Sample: A group of 20 enrolled CSUN students selected from the Health Sciences department; Population: All enrolled CSUN students
C.   Sample: A group of 4,000 female residents of Northridge; Population: All residents of LA County
D.   Sample: A group of 40,000 registered nurses in California; Population: All registered nurses in the United States
Question #2
Would the following likely be a representative sample of the stated population from which it came? Sample: random sample of 1,000 university students; Population: all US residents
A.   Yes
B.   No
Question #3
Would the following likely be a representative sample of the stated population from which it came? Sample: random sample of 5 students from the roster of this course; Population: all students in this course. Which of the following describes the procedure used above?
A.   No
B.   Yes
Question #4
A researcher who is interested in determining the average fasting blood glucose level of all enrolled students at CSUN randomly selects 100 individuals using the university roster of students to include in his sample. 
A.   Random sampling (random selection)
B.   Randomization (random assignment)
Question #5
A researcher is conducting an experiment testing to see the efficacy of a new vaccine in reducing the likelihood of developing influenza. The researcher randomly divides the 200 participants in her study into two groups - 100 participants who receive the standard influenza vaccination and the other 100 participants who receive the new influenza vaccination. 
A.   Random sampling (random selection)
B.   Randomization (random assignment)

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